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Updating Virtualization chapter

Authored by on May 6 2021, 7:30 AM.
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Mon, Feb 24, 5:43 PM
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Mon, Feb 24, 2:45 PM
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Sun, Feb 23, 8:31 PM
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Sun, Feb 23, 5:56 PM
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Sat, Feb 22, 6:59 PM
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Feb 7 2025, 11:59 PM
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Jan 27 2025, 5:31 PM
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Jan 24 2025, 5:35 PM



Deleted Virtual PC because Windows 7 is depreacted now. Updated VMware Fusion part.

PR: 249976

Test Plan

docs and images looks fine

Diff Detail

R9 FreeBSD doc repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

documentation/content/static/imagedocumentation/static/images/books/handbook/virtualization folder with updated VMware fusion related images and deleted Virtual PC images

ygy added a reviewer: docs.
ygy added a reviewer: ygy.

Hi! Before diving into the review, two quick suggestions:

  • It is usually better to submit patches that are generated by diff -U999999 to give better contexts to reviewers.
  • Populating the "Test Plan" section of the reviews is recommended (e.g. doc builds fine, images displayed correctly, etc).

Are we expecting this to be completed and landed with this review? Otherwise, it might be better to remove this completely and track it by opening another PR in Bugzilla.


Same question as above


These lines (here and below) seem to miss ":"s at the end

Thank you for your advice. Here is a new full diff file. I corrected :s and deleteed things that are not ready yet(VMware Workstation, Hyper-V).

In D30145#676725, wrote:

Thank you for your advice. Here is a new full diff file. I corrected :s and deleteed things that are not ready yet(VMware Workstation, Hyper-V).

Thanks! Could you please use the "update diff" button instead of file upload?

Deleted Hyper V and VMware Workstation.

Can someone review or commit my new diff file?

Only found these now. Looking good otherwise.


s/as on/on/
s/follwing/the following/


I cannot understand what you mean. Do you mean that I should open another PR in Bugzilla to update images?


This review comment seems shifted since you updated the diff. I was commenting about the "TODO"s which you have already removed, so you may mark this comment as done.

Looks good to me.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 12 2021, 3:23 AM

I don't know the system of phabricator, but why the virtualisation part of FreeBSD Handbook did not adopt my patch even my review is accepted? Do I need further tasks to do?

Sorry, this is my fault, I’ll make the commit this night (Spanish time)
Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patch!!

I don't forgot about this. I'm so busy with another patch. I hope to have it finished this weekend and commit this one.
Sorry and thanks for your patience.

I just merged the chapter and it's ok but I don't know why I cannot merge the images.
Can you please share the images with me by email?

Sorry for the looooong delay, I was so busy with other review.

I just merged the chapter and it's ok but I don't know why I cannot merge the images.
Can you please share the images with me by email?

Sorry for the looooong delay, I was so busy with other review.

I sent a compressed folder with images but forgot to confirm. Did you received my email?

In D30145#745079, wrote:

I just merged the chapter and it's ok but I don't know why I cannot merge the images.
Can you please share the images with me by email?

Sorry for the looooong delay, I was so busy with other review.

I sent a compressed folder with images but forgot to confirm. Did you received my email?

No, can you please send it to my personal mail?

In D30145#745079, wrote:

I just merged the chapter and it's ok but I don't know why I cannot merge the images.
Can you please share the images with me by email?

Sorry for the looooong delay, I was so busy with other review.

I sent a compressed folder with images but forgot to confirm. Did you received my email?

No, can you please send it to my personal mail?

I sent the compressed image folder.
From to via gmail(, including one tar.xz compressed file, at 20:10 GMT-4.