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Makefile: re-wordsmith the blurb about xtoolchain ports

Authored by kevans on Oct 16 2020, 5:47 PM.
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Jan 20 2025, 3:23 AM



The new version only includes a specific version once, and uses that that's currently advised by tinderbox: -gcc6.

It also advises just installing the pkg, but mentions in a side-note at the end where to find the source in the ports tree.

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rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
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Buildable 34219

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Seems good to me, though maybe N would be better than X to avoid confusion with the X in xtoolchain leading people to think gccX means a cross GCC if they don't bother looking too closely at the example? That or change "xtoolchain" to "cross toolchain" ("cross-toolchain"?), which also nicely matches CROSS_TOOLCHAIN.

Seems good to me, though maybe N would be better than X to avoid confusion with the X in xtoolchain leading people to think gccX means a cross GCC if they don't bother looking too closely at the example? That or change "xtoolchain" to "cross toolchain" ("cross-toolchain"?), which also nicely matches CROSS_TOOLCHAIN.

I'm tempted to do both, in case someone tries to make the logical leap from cross -> X anyways. Writing 'xtoolchain' was kind of just habit from the old ports that should be retired, and we probably shouldn't accidentally draw someone towards those ones.

+1 to the X -> N and xtoolchain -> "cross toolchain" changes.

kevans marked an inline comment as done.

Incorporate feedback

One minor change but otherwise 👍.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 16 2020, 6:27 PM

I will fix this one pre-commit, thanks :)