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move WWW to Makefile

Authored by bofh on Jun 29 2015, 10:46 PM.
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Dec 3 2024, 8:01 AM


Group Reviewers

This patch enables moving WWW from pkg-descr to Makefile. The additional script change-www will merge WWW value from pkg-descr to Makefile in a single go.

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

bofh retitled this revision from to move WWW to Makefile.
bofh updated this object.
bofh edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
bofh added reviewers: bapt, portmgr.
bofh set the repository for this revision to rP FreeBSD ports repository.
bofh edited edge metadata.

I do like the script very much, unfortunatly I have been bitten in the past by such scripts, they would work 99% of cases but not 100% so you will have to review manually the diff so going category by category is a step to go imho.

Your script does not seems to take in account mutliple WWW entries, imho it should transform them into:
WWW= site1 site2
WWW= site1 \


That said I do like this script.

BTW should be patched to use WWW if defined (but keep a fallback for compatibiblity)
make index should be checked as well.

An announce should be sent before the migration to give time for third party (freshports?) application to update

I would like to hear what other portmgr thinks about that change

(FYI @bofh took the project from my TODO list :))

Is the goal to eliminate pkg-descr entirely, eventually?

First of all thank for the great appreciation of the script. Yes this script is not full proof. As you have mentioned about multiple WWW entries. Starting from 2 I can see something using 4 WWW entries too. \n would be a bad idea I believe as in the INDEX it adds a single line for a single port. So adding a different separator other than \n and | is expected. It will depend based on the advice from all of us.
And yes it will require some manual intervention hence we might consider commiting category by category with a slow go. My patch for keeps a fallback compatibility for the interim period. After moving to Makefile we can get rid of that part too.

In D2949#57972, @bapt wrote:

I do like the script very much, unfortunatly I have been bitten in the past by such scripts, they would work 99% of cases but not 100% so you will have to review manually the diff so going category by category is a step to go imho.

Your script does not seems to take in account mutliple WWW entries, imho it should transform them into:
WWW= site1 site2
WWW= site1 \


That said I do like this script.

BTW should be patched to use WWW if defined (but keep a fallback for compatibiblity)
make index should be checked as well.

An announce should be sent before the migration to give time for third party (freshports?) application to update

I would like to hear what other portmgr thinks about that change

(FYI @bofh took the project from my TODO list :))

Already committed by other authors