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Mk/ move WWW to Makefile

Authored by tcberner on Apr 20 2022, 8:37 AM.
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Oct 10 2024, 2:14 AM


Group Reviewers

The WWW of a port was previously read from pkg-descr using a call to
awk during make describe. This change will read the new variable WWW
defined in the ports Makefile instead.

The ports tree can be converted using a script to move all the 'WWW:'
form their previous location in pkg-descr to the correspodning

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 45248
Build 42136: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 20 2022, 8:40 AM

As previously discussed with Tobias, I had already worked out similar changes but did not create a review since I did not expect any reviewer to even take a look ...
My patches for this feature were slightly different but had the same effect:

  • I had kept the parsing of the pkg-descr file in case the WWW variable was not defined in some port's Makefile (in order to ease the transition).
  • I had made the "www-site" target just echo "${_WWW}" in case "make www-site" is used in some user's script.

Changes to documentation and other ports required to support the "WWW in Makefile" feature:

  • The documentation (Porter's Handbook) needs to be adjusted to mention "WWW=" in the Makefile instead of "WWW:" in the pkg-descr file.
  • The WWW macro should be introduced to "portlint", "portfmt", and "portclippy" (probably more).

If the WWW line is actually removed from pkg-descr of the ports, it should perhaps be appended to the copy of pkg-descr included in the package files - there might be down-stream tools that expect the WWW line to exist (instead of fetching this information from the MANIFEST).


I'd suggest to move the definition of "WWW" to immediately follow "COMMENT" since it allows to access information about the port beyond the short description provided by ${COMMENT}.


This definition of _WWW creates bogus URLs e.g. for all USE_GITHUB ports - I'm not convinced that this is a useful default value.
My version of this patch kept the parsing of the pkg-descr file in case ${WWW} was not defined, in order to allow non-converted port definitions to still be supported.


I'd keep this target and would just echo the WWW variable.