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Dynamically allocate per-cpu scheduler state

Authored by jeff on Feb 24 2019, 2:53 AM.
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Dec 20 2023, 5:43 AM
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Nov 12 2023, 3:08 AM
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Nov 8 2023, 1:44 PM
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Nov 6 2023, 9:27 PM
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Oct 11 2023, 2:28 AM
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Oct 7 2023, 12:37 PM
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Oct 5 2023, 8:26 PM



We want to allocate scheduler state dynamically so that it can be allocated to the correct NUMA domain. This also eliminates a global and statically sized MAXCPU state array.

I added a per-cpu variable to point at dpcpu allocated memory to keep the instruction bloat down. This actually makes TDQ_SELF() more efficient than it was before but TDQ_CPU() is less efficient.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
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Can you re-upload the diff with the full context added, please ?

Much cleaner, as usual, than the hack I gave you to start with.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 25 2019, 4:48 PM
In D19315#413467, @kib wrote:

Can you re-upload the diff with the full context added, please ?

+1, it is painful to review diffs without context.

Am I right that in head, dpcpu area allocations are not yet NUMA-affinitized?


It's called "id" in the definition.

Am I right that in head, dpcpu area allocations are not yet NUMA-affinitized?

Yes, it is just kmem_malloc() in mp_machdep.c:native_start_all_aps().