Reported by portscout
- Create pkg-plist instead of PLIST
- Remove do-install and let the patched Makefile's install target do the job.
- Add asciidoc as dependency since the man pages changed format
Differential D15397
Update graphics/imv to 3.0.0 fernape on May 11 2018, 9:37 PM. Authored by Tags None Referenced Files
Reported by portscout
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions Why did you change it to a plist?
Comment Actions I'm including two more files to the list. I didn't want to abuse PLIST. There's nothing in the porter's book about the recommended length of the list but I can change it again :)
Comment Actions It is back now. I will try to know why make makeplist messes the path for imv_config and why poudriere doesn't detect the problem. Comment Actions Don't worry, it would have worked as ETCDIR expands to the string you need. So functionally it was fine,... Still not correct though It's not messed up, it's just a wrongly used substitution :) -- ETCDIR expands to etc/${PORTNAME}. -- so Now make-plist sees "etc/imv_config" and is greedy and replaces the occurence of etc/imv by ETCDIR. So, in short, the plist would have worked with %%ETCDIR%% -- it's just not correct :)