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bsdinstall: partedit allows user to modify bootable partition type to non-supported type without warning

Authored by on Jun 17 2016, 11:48 AM.
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Right now is possible to modify bootable partition type to non-bootable type without getting warning from partedit.
Example: if you auto parition drive for arm64, you will get freebsd-ufs as bootable partition; now you are able to change bootable partition type to freebsd-zfs; there will be no warning and the system will install but will not be bootable afterwards.

After this fix, partedit will issue the same warning it does when user attempts to create bootable partition of not supported type, notyfing a user about incoming problem and allowing to think the decision over before commiting the schema.

This has been tested on amd64 and arm64.

Screens below:

┌──────────────────Partition Editor────────────────────┐
│ Create partitions for FreeBSD. No changes will be    │     
│ made unti┌────────Edit Partition──────────┐          │     
│┌─────────│ ┌─────────Warning────────────┐ │  ───────┐│  
││vtbd0    │ │ This file system           │           ││    
││  vtbd0p1│ │ (freebsd-hfs) is not       │           ││    
││  vtbd0p2│ │ bootable on this system.   │           ││    
││  vtbd0p3│ │ Are you sure you want to   │           ││    
││md0      │ │ proceed?                   │           ││    
││         │ ├────────────────────────────┤           ││    
││         ├─│     < Yes >   < No  >      │           ││    
││         │ └────────────────────────────┘           ││    
│└─────────└───                                ───────┘│  
├────────────                                  ────────┤  
│<Create> <Delete> <Modify> <Revert> < Auto > <Finish> │  

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline retitled this revision from to bsdinstall: partedit allows user to modify bootable partition type to non-supported type without warning. updated this object. edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details) set the repository for this revision to rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion.
nwhitehorn edited edge metadata.

Thanks! Please go ahead and commit.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 17 2016, 2:52 PM

Thanks! Please go ahead and commit.

I have placed the patch in bugzilla a while ago ( . Should I advertise it somehow to notify maintainer that the patch is pickable? I am lacking commit privilege to perform commit myself.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.