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bsdlabel: add legacy notice

Authored by emaste on Jan 23 2024, 6:07 PM.
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Thu, Feb 20, 3:26 PM
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Tue, Feb 18, 6:01 AM
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Fri, Feb 14, 9:52 AM
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Feb 9 2025, 9:24 PM
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Feb 9 2025, 9:23 PM


BSD disk labels should be avoided on new installations.

There is no concrete plan to remove BSD label support from FreeBSD but
that will happen at some point in the future.

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emaste created this revision.

I might want to deprecate and remove bsdlabel first, due to PR276517 - BSD label manipulation via gpart does not have the same issue.

Make the deprecation notice for bsdlabel explicit. Also remove comment about legacy-ness of MBR/BSD disklabels, this man page isn't the right place for such a note, and there's work to do elsewhere first (e.g. having a stronger preference for not-MBR/bsdlabel in the installer).

Bsdlabel, the program, was supposed to be completely replaced by gpart, etc so this shouldn't be a surprise.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 24 2024, 4:47 PM

I'll go ahead and provide a port for the bsdlabel utility so it remains available for legacy use cases.

In D43563#993865, @fuz wrote:

I'll go ahead and provide a port for the bsdlabel utility so it remains available for legacy use cases.

Thanks -- I will not disconnect or remove it before that's done.

First point, a manpage addition is pointless unless you have the binary emit a warning when invoked. Second how does one execute bsdlabel -e -A with gpart?

First point, a manpage addition is pointless unless you have the binary emit a warning when invoked.

Sure, that can be added too, perhaps as a subsequent commit.

Second how does one execute bsdlabel -e -A with gpart?

One doesn't - one would need to install the port that @fuz will create.

Add reference to newly created freebsd-bsdlabel package

This revision now requires review to proceed.Jan 26 2024, 2:15 PM

Mention BSD partitioning scheme - what gpart uses to refer to BSD disklabels

bsdlabel is deprecated and is not available in FreeBSD 15.0 or later. Use gpart(8) instead (with the BSD partitioning scheme), or install the freebsd-bsdlabel port or package.

This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.Mar 25 2024, 7:44 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.