Add KDE_DIST=foo similar to the Qt ports QT_DIST.
At the moment this supports:
- kde4
- kactivities
- applications:legacy
- calligra, calligra:l10n
In the future, with KDE Framworks, Plasma and (up to date) Applications ports
this will be extended to include
- frameworks, framworks:portingaid
- plasma
- applications
I chose to add it directly below the USE_KDE=foo entry of the ports.
I also opted to move the distfiles of the kde4 stuff into
- ${DISTDIR}/KDE/kde4/<version>
from ${DISTDIR}/KDE/<version>, as I intend to do
- ${DISTDIR}/KDE/frameworks/<version>
- ${DISTIDR}/KDE/plasma/<version>
- ${DISTDIR}/KDE/applications/<version>
for the future options -- so this change is mainly done for my OCD.