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contrib/kyua: Merge vendor import

Authored by bofh on Jan 17 2024, 10:58 AM.
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Feb 6 2025, 4:33 AM
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Feb 5 2025, 3:36 PM
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Jan 30 2025, 6:11 AM
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Jan 23 2025, 8:16 AM
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Jan 18 2025, 6:01 AM
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Dec 25 2024, 11:47 AM



This patch merges the vendor import of kyua. However we need to add the file contrib/kyua/utils/process/executor_pid_test.cpp in the build system which will be done after this has been imported.

Diff Detail

rG FreeBSD src repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

bofh requested review of this revision.Jan 17 2024, 10:58 AM

Looks sane, thanks. I ran through the test suite locally with this change and didn't spot any new problems.

Let us know if you'd like review of the merge commit itself, i.e., push the merge somewhere that we can inspect it.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 17 2024, 2:47 PM
lwhsu added inline comments.

I feel this file can be skipped and be in FREEBSD-Xlist, but not a strong preference.


Yeah, I can't see any reason to include this in main.

Looks sane, thanks. I ran through the test suite locally with this change and didn't spot any new problems.

My tests did not yield any errors.

Let us know if you'd like review of the merge commit itself, i.e., push the merge somewhere that we can inspect it.

It's a bit difficult pushing a merge commit somewhere else specially Github. As the vendor trees are actually not present in a Github fork. If you want I can create custom branch and apply the patch manually and push it to a new branch if it helps.


Personally speaking I really do not like them at all. I have proposed earlier about removing all CI related files from the contrib parts as what happens is if we manually create a fork in GH all of the CI start hits up on the first commit. So I can remove the entire file too if all of you prefer the same.

In D43475#991166, @bofh wrote:

Looks sane, thanks. I ran through the test suite locally with this change and didn't spot any new problems.

My tests did not yield any errors.

Let us know if you'd like review of the merge commit itself, i.e., push the merge somewhere that we can inspect it.

It's a bit difficult pushing a merge commit somewhere else specially Github. As the vendor trees are actually not present in a Github fork. If you want I can create custom branch and apply the patch manually and push it to a new branch if it helps.

I don't see what's preventing you from pushing the kyua vendor branch to a github fork. And that's not necessary anyway, if you just push the merge commit somewhere, that's sufficient.


Well, I see now that other kyua CI files are in main, e.g., contrib/kyua/travis.yml. It doesn't hurt I suppose, so like Li-Wen I don't have a strong preference.

I don't see what's preventing you from pushing the kyua vendor branch to a github fork. And that's not necessary anyway, if you just push the merge commit somewhere, that's sufficient.

Here is the branch

I will keep the .cirrus.yml for now then.

In D43475#991182, @bofh wrote:

I don't see what's preventing you from pushing the kyua vendor branch to a github fork. And that's not necessary anyway, if you just push the merge commit somewhere, that's sufficient.

Here is the branch

This should be a merge commit. See for details.

Specifically, you should git subtree merge -P contrib/kyua anon/vendor/kyua and push the result. Please go ahead with that, but the commit you pushed to github should not be pushed to FreeBSD.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.