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Mk/bsd.port.{subdir}.mk: create describe-json

Authored by fernape on Oct 9 2023, 12:49 PM.
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Tue, Feb 25, 1:07 PM
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Wed, Feb 19, 6:25 PM
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Feb 15 2025, 5:49 AM
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Feb 14 2025, 9:03 PM
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Feb 14 2025, 8:33 AM
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Feb 14 2025, 6:25 AM
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Feb 11 2025, 1:13 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 11 2025, 12:49 PM



Create describe-json target to get a JSON-compliant representation of the
ports tree.

It can be invoked from a single port directory, a category directory or from the
ports tree top directory.

It supports FLAVORS. E.g. It is possible to execute the following:

cd math/qalculate-qt && make describe-json-qt6

Performance-wise it is a bit slower than a simple make describe although it
offers a more complete vision of the port in an easily parseable format.

Test Plan

Apply patch and run "make describe-json", possibly redirecting to a file. A sample of such a file generated from my ports tree can be found here

Some examples assuming the output is in the describe.json file.

  • Show all ports in the "accessibility" category:
jq '.accessibility'
  • Show ports in the "accessibility" category with a USES=iconv dependency:
jq '.accessibility.[] | select(.uses | index("iconv")) | .pkgorigin' describe.json
  • Show ports in the tree that Uses=kmod:
jq '.[].[] | select(.uses | index("kmod")) | .pkgorigin' describe.json
  • Show ports having a LIB_DEPENDS on devel/binutils:
jq '.[].[] | select(.lib_depends | map(test("devel/binutils")) | any) | .pkgorigin' describe.json
  • Show ports in the "database" category which has no maintainer and are marked as deprecated:
jq '.databases.[] | select(.maintainer=="" and .deprecated!="") | .pkgorigin' describe.json

Diff Detail

R11 FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

fernape created this revision.
fernape edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
fernape added reviewers: bapt, portmgr.

am I missing something, I do not see the definition of SED_ARGS ?

In D42131#961439, @bapt wrote:

am I missing something, I do not see the definition of SED_ARGS ?

Damn, sorry for that. I moved all substitutions from sed(1) to make(1)'s variable modifiers and embarrassingly forgot to remove the command altogether.


each of those line will spawn a new sh process, so this won't be efficient, you should probably inline all of this, with ; \ at the end of each line,

otherwise it will ve very slow to make at the root of the ports tree a make describe-json

Address bapt@ feedback

  • Don't spawn a new sh process for every ECHO_CMD

While here:

  • Prettyfy code
  • Prefix private variables with underscore
  • Fix flavors
fernape added inline comments.

One sh with multiple echo commands, thanks!

While here, make the code more readable, prefix private variables with underscore and fix flavors.
make describe-json creates JSON-compliant output from the top of the tree, a category directory or an individual port directory.

It lacks informations about the licenses ;), but the technical part is ok, and license can be added later

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 18 2023, 7:18 AM
In D42131#964377, @bapt wrote:

It lacks informations about the licenses ;), but the technical part is ok, and license can be added later

Yup! you're right. That's important information.
I just added it as a list, since some ports have multiple licenses.
This is an example for audio/picard-plugins.

  "categories": [
  "license": [
  "deprecated": " ",
  "broken": "",
  "distversion": "2.0.20230915",

It generates the whole ports tree.
If you don't say otherwise, I'll go with that version.

diff --git a/Mk/ b/Mk/
index fc02b52821ac..6b3522d559a0 100644
--- a/Mk/
+++ b/Mk/
@@ -4428,6 +4428,7 @@ describe-json:
        ${ECHO_CMD} \"pkg_depends\":[\"${PKG_DEPENDS:ts,:Q:S/,/\",\"/g}\"], ;\
        ${ECHO_CMD} \"complete_options_list\":[\"${COMPLETE_OPTIONS_LIST:ts,:S/,/\",\"/g}\"], ;\
        ${ECHO_CMD} \"categories\":[\"${CATEGORIES:ts,:S/,/\",\"/g}\"], ;\
+       ${ECHO_CMD} \"license\":[\"${LICENSE:ts,:S/,/\",\"/g}\"], ;\
        ${ECHO_CMD} \"deprecated\":\""${DEPRECATED:S/"/\\\"/g:S/\\\\*/*/g:S/\\\'/'/g}" \", ;\
        ${ECHO_CMD} \"broken\":\"${BROKEN:Q:S/"/\\\"/g:S/\\\\*/*/g:S/\\\'/'/g}\", ;\
        ${ECHO_CMD} \"distversion\":\"${DISTVERSION}\", ;\

Committed with the license info added.

Thanks for the review!