There has been a regression in wpa_supplicant 2.10 with APs with two VAPs. When the first or primary VAP is configured with WPA and a secondary open unprotected VAP, typically a guest SSID on commodity APs or at hotels and universities with the primary VAP configured with WPA for staff and the secondary VAP configured open for students or visitors.
The regression only occurs in this instance: when the primary VAP is configured for WPA and the secondary VAP is configured open.
The solution is a temporary workaround until a permanent solution can be developed, either by myself or by the hostap upstream
The bug is in wpa_supplicant 2.10 and has been confirmed by me also in Fedora 36.
Again, this is only a temporary workaround so that this bug can restore functionality to 13.1-RELEASE end users. A permanent solution will be worked on, initially with our upstream. Emails have been posted on There are no replies yet.
See PR/264238 for a complete discussion of the bug.