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dtrace: fix the panic action

Authored by markj on Apr 22 2015, 9:49 PM.
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Mon, Feb 17, 1:30 AM
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Jan 31 2025, 11:27 AM
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Jan 31 2025, 10:27 AM
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Jan 23 2025, 4:21 AM
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Jan 22 2025, 4:15 PM
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Jan 8 2025, 2:52 AM
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Dec 18 2024, 12:36 PM
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Dec 6 2024, 9:21 PM



Previously, dtrace_panic() would call into some unfinished compat code
and return without panicking. This compat code is responsible for doing
a bunch of things that are handled by panic(9) in FreeBSD, so we don't
actually need it. In particular:

  • we don't need to serialize calls to panic(9), since the first thing vpanic does is send an IPI to all other CPUs to put them in a busy loop, and wait for all other CPUs to acknowledge before proceeding
  • we don't need to save registers, since said IPI causes all CPUs to save their registers to stoppcbs
  • we don't use a dedicated panic stack

This change just exports FreeBSD's vpanic() and modifies dtrace_panic()
to call it directly.

Test Plan

Tried using the panic() action from a few different probes, and made sure that the kernel panicked cleanly and dumped core. In particular, 'fbt::: {panic();}' works properly on amd64.

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

markj retitled this revision from to dtrace: fix the panic action.
markj edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
markj updated this object.
markj added reviewers: avg, DTrace.
avg edited edge metadata.

The change totally makes sense and the patch looks good to me.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 23 2015, 9:48 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.