I submitted this in response to a request from Adrian Chadd on #bsdports on EFnet.
<adrian> I got bitten again by qt5-multimedia not choosing an audi oside
<adrian> (alsa or pulseaudio)
<adrian> can we please pick one already pretty please?
<adrian> not having audio in a lot of qt5 based things is very sad :(
<adrian> preeeeeeeeeeeettty please?
I am not a user of multimedia/qt5-multimedia, but I tested www/otter-browser, which depends on it, and I had no sound issues with the default options of multimedia/qt5-multimedia. Adrian, could you elaborate on what kind of problems you see with the default options? Assuming some dependencies have broken sound with the current default options, I copied the approach used by www/firefox and turned on both audio options by default. I think this will make life easier for the average user and users that do not want one or both of the audio options could build their own package. In any case, I will wait to confirm the details of the current issue before proceeding.