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Mark fdisk(8) obsolete.

Authored by trasz on Aug 6 2015, 11:07 AM.
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Jan 7 2025, 8:56 AM



It's 2015, and some people are still trying to use fdisk and then
go asking what debug flags to set for GEOM to make it work. Point
them in the right direction.

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rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

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trasz retitled this revision from to Mark fdisk(8) obsolete..
trasz updated this object.
trasz edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

gpart(8) can replace both fdisk and bsdlabel. The note in the description for fdisk.8 should also be in bsdlabel.8. I think we could leave the rest of those two pages unchanged, but am not sure about the others.

I plan to do bsdlabel too, but it requires quite some more changes to do properly - translating all the usage cases to gpart - so I'd prefer to do fdisk first.

trasz edited edge metadata.

Tweak a little.

452 ↗(On Diff #7751)

I would use gpart to clear the old disklabel in s1. It's safer and more correct.

gpart destroy -F da0s1

One more thing: should we use "obsolete", or "deprecated" here?

452 ↗(On Diff #7751)

This command unfortunately returns an error when there was no partition table on da0s1 in the first place, which might be confusing to the user. So I'd prefer to leave it as it is.

In D3315#70811, @trasz wrote:

One more thing: should we use "obsolete", or "deprecated" here?

"Deprecated" is the usual term to mean "we recommend that nobody uses this any more".

Hm, ok. So, is there anything left to do here?

In D3315#72810, @trasz wrote:

Hm, ok. So, is there anything left to do here?

I guess not, unless you want to change the "obsolete" to "deprecated".

So, would you mark it "Accepted" then?

wblock added a reviewer: wblock.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 2 2015, 12:54 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.