Introduce rib_walk_ext_internal() to allow specifying rib by rnh pointer directly, instead of fibnum/family.
This solves the case when rib is not yet attached/detached to the system rib map.
| Differential D27406 Authored by melifaro on Nov 28 2020, 5:23 PM.
Tags None Referenced Files
Summary Introduce rib_walk_ext_internal() to allow specifying rib by rnh pointer directly, instead of fibnum/family. This solves the case when rib is not yet attached/detached to the system rib map.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineHerald added subscribers: ae, imp. · View Herald TranscriptNov 28 2020, 5:24 PM2020-11-28 17:24:00 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B35095: Diff 80095.Nov 28 2020, 5:24 PM2020-11-28 17:24:00 (UTC+0) melifaro retitled this revision from Introduce rib_walk_ext_internal() to allow specifying rib by rnh
pointer directly, instead of fibnum/family. This solves the case
when rib is not yet attached/detached to the system rib map. to Introduce rib_walk_ext_internal() to allow specifying rib by rnh pointer directly..Nov 28 2020, 5:24 PM2020-11-28 17:24:48 (UTC+0) This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.Nov 29 2020, 1:55 PM2020-11-29 13:55:17 (UTC+0) Closed by commit rS368150: Introduce rib_walk_ext_internal() to allow iteration with rnh pointer. (authored by melifaro). · Explain Why This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Revision Contents
Diff 80095 sys/net/route/route_ctl.hsys/net/route/route_helpers.c
I don't understand the comment here.
USE_PYTHON=autoplist looks at what files distutils has installed and uses that to generate the plist.
In this port, the man pages are installed manually in post-install, so there is no way that distutils knows about them, so it seems normal that they are not present in the plist generated by autoplist.