This is a WIP to bring Heptapod, a Gitlab fork, to FreeBSD.
For now devel/heptapod-runner port, slave to devel/gitlab-runner, is added. More to come.
| Differential D25763 Authored by arrowd on Jul 22 2020, 12:55 PM.
Tags None Referenced Files
Summary This is a WIP to bring Heptapod, a Gitlab fork, to FreeBSD. For now devel/heptapod-runner port, slave to devel/gitlab-runner, is added. More to come.
Diff Detail
Event Timelinearrowd created this revision. Harbormaster completed remote builds in B32472: Diff 74782.Jul 22 2020, 12:55 PM2020-07-22 12:55:53 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B32474: Diff 74786.Jul 22 2020, 2:09 PM2020-07-22 14:09:52 (UTC+0) added a subscriber: 22 2020, 2:26 PM2020-07-22 14:26:59 (UTC+0) Comment Actions I already prepared Gitlab 13.2: But I have to wait for an approval from sunpoet as I modify one of his ports. Comment Actions
Sure. Once you commit it, I'll rebase this diff on top of that.
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B32508: Diff 74838.Jul 23 2020, 1:10 PM2020-07-23 13:10:22 (UTC+0) Comment Actions
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B32554: Diff 74954.Jul 26 2020, 3:06 PM2020-07-26 15:06:10 (UTC+0) Comment Actions
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B32555: Diff 74955.Jul 26 2020, 3:55 PM2020-07-26 15:55:16 (UTC+0) This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 27 2020, 5:09 AM2020-07-27 05:09:11 (UTC+0) Comment Actions @mfechner there is one more port to go - the fork of www/gitlab-ce itself. I hope, it would follow the same style as these ports. This revision now requires review to proceed.Aug 1 2020, 8:40 AM2020-08-01 08:40:08 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B32691: Diff 75243.Aug 1 2020, 8:40 AM2020-08-01 08:40:10 (UTC+0) Comment Actions Now that www/gitlab-ce got updated to 13.2, the Heptapod latest release is again one version behind. I'll wait for Heptapod to catch up with vanilla Gitlab and then proceed with the port. Harbormaster completed remote builds in B33723: Diff 77350.Sep 22 2020, 11:06 AM2020-09-22 11:06:12 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B33736: Diff 77369.Sep 22 2020, 7:04 PM2020-09-22 19:04:00 (UTC+0) Comment Actions Looks fine for me. I already work on gitlab 13.4.0 which maybe breaks this slave port? If each gitlab upgrade breaks the slave port, do you think it is ok doing this as a slave port or are they now quicker to get the necessary changes merged quicker to hexapod? This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 22 2020, 9:22 PM2020-09-22 21:22:11 (UTC+0) Comment Actions I will include required changes to my ports with the upgrade for gitlab-ce for 13.4, so this should made it more simple for you to add your ports. Comment Actions
I'll be dog-fooding this for some time, so let's just see.
That will be awesome, thanks! Comment Actions
the update is committed, I hope I got included everything that is required for my ports. Comment Actions The Heptapod project lags a bit behind the vanilla GitHub versions, so the slave port approach is not feasible there. Creating and maintaining a separate port for Heptapod is too large task for me.
Revision Contents
Diff 75243 devel/gitlab-runner/Makefile