Add EXAMPLES section covering all flags but -f since it is analogous to -s
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manpages - Commits
- rS362046: MFC r361891:
rS361891: Add EXAMPLES to cover all flags except -f since it is analogous to -s.
- mandoc -Tlint ./uniq.1 reports no errors
- man ./uniq.1 renders the page properly
Diff Detail
- Repository
- rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
- Lint
No Lint Coverage - Unit
No Test Coverage - Build Status
Buildable 31509 Build 29113: arc lint + arc unit
OPTION_DESC's should have descriptions that describe the feature/value from a user perspective. Sometimes this is just the name of the dependencies, but often it is not.
In this case I believe SyncTeX is used for Zathura's 'Forward/Inverse Search' feature.
One may consider:
In the latter case, the search group can have its own description like SEARCH_DESC"Forward/Inverse Search " and LATEX_DESC="Latex Support", or similasr