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Fix code preventing sufficiently small buffers from being malloc buffers.

Authored by on Aug 2 2018, 10:33 PM.
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In allocbuf() newbsize is rounded up to nearest page size.
The only place where B_MALLOC is set is in vfs_nonvmio_extend(), only if newbsize is <= PAGE_SIZE / 2. But since allocbuf() rounds up to nearest page size, code which sets B_MALLOC is never run.

Since it's still desirable to have malloc bufs, this fix modifies allocbuf() to check if the buffer would be a malloc buf prior to rounding up to PAGE_SIZE, and only does so if the buffer would not be a malloc buf.

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No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 18623
Build 18312: arc lint + arc unit

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Seems like we can kill a lot more dead code than this. bufmallocadjust is now dead, the flag itself is dead, and it can be removed from various checks. bufmallocspace, maxbufmallocspace, and M_BIOBUF can all be removed, etc.


This routine and nonvmio_extend can probably both be inlined now that they're so short (they're each only called in one place).

LGTM modulo a few style nits below.


Ah, by "inline," I had in mind literally moving the code inside the caller.

(The "inline" annotation is usually discouraged since modern (C99+) compilers are free to more or less ignore it and use their own heuristics anyway.)

226 ↗(On Diff #46222)

This should be replaced with e.g. B_00010000 (see examples a few lines below).

341 ↗(On Diff #46222)

Extra parens around B_VMIO can be dropped.

Other than the one last trivial change, LGTM. Kib@, any thoughts?

226 ↗(On Diff #46222)

This one got missed, I think.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 3 2018, 9:50 PM
This revision now requires review to proceed.Aug 3 2018, 10:08 PM
cem added inline comments.
222–224 ↗(On Diff #46273)

I can't tell if the whitespace matches and phab just isn't rendering it correctly, or if it doesn't match the other lines.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 3 2018, 10:17 PM
This revision now requires review to proceed.Aug 3 2018, 10:26 PM

Hm, I am not sure. I agree that due to the bug, B_MALLOC buffers are never created by the current code. But, do we want to waste that many memory for small non-vmio buffers ? Isn't it better to fix creation of B_MALLOC buffers instead of removing them ? If a filesystem uses 512 or 1024 byte buffers, we do not want to multiply its memory use by a factor of 8 or 4.

It looks simple enough to set B_MALLOC if b_bufsize is zero and newbsize is less than half of the page size.

In D16573#352448, @kib wrote:

Hm, I am not sure. I agree that due to the bug, B_MALLOC buffers are never created by the current code. But, do we want to waste that many memory for small non-vmio buffers ? Isn't it better to fix creation of B_MALLOC buffers instead of removing them ? If a filesystem uses 512 or 1024 byte buffers, we do not want to multiply its memory use by a factor of 8 or 4.

It looks simple enough to set B_MALLOC if b_bufsize is zero and newbsize is less than half of the page size.

It seems that the code that prevents us from setting B_MALLOC in the case you describe is the following:

if ((bp->b_flags & B_MALLOC) == 0)
newbsize = round_page(newbsize);

Would you prefer that we not round_page() in this case?

It seems that the code that prevents us from setting B_MALLOC in the case you describe is the following:

if ((bp->b_flags & B_MALLOC) == 0)
newbsize = round_page(newbsize);

Would you prefer that we not round_page() in this case?

It is too simple. We should check the size after rounding up to DEV_BSIZE. If the size is in range for B_MALLOC, we should not round to page and create B_MALLOC buffer. Otherwise, round to the page size and create a page-backed non-vmio buffer.

Don't round new buffer size up to page size in buffer cache in cases where new buffer would be malloc buffer.


Blank line is needed before the first statement if there is no local vars defined.


return (false);


No need for this blank line.


return (false);


extra blank line, and so on for the whole function.


I do not see why would check for bufmallocspace needed there.

Please update the phabricator title and summary to match the new direction of the patch when you get a chance.


I suppose it's not. It just seemed clearer from a readability standpoint to call want_malloc_buf() here. If you feel strongly about it I can remove the function and just inline the if checks in both places where they're needed. retitled this revision from Remove dead code in vfs_bio.c. to Fix code preventing sufficiently small buffers from being malloc buffers..Aug 7 2018, 6:14 PM

I suggest to remove the space check from want_malloc_buf() and keep the check at the line 4231 inlined.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 7 2018, 8:15 PM

Summary text still reflects the old patch.


If we fail the bufmallocspace check here, should we round newbsize up to page_size? Or remove the conditional roundup below?


I'm fine with the roundup if that's the right thing to do.


iirc kib explicitly wanted the bufmalloc check removed from want_malloc_buf(). That would've caused the roundup to occur when bufmallocspace >= maxbufmallocspace.


No, I do not want to micro-manage. I only want malloc-backed buffer to start/continue to work. Code organization is up to you.


Not a code organization question. Earlier the check in question was in want_malloc_buf(), so the check was done in two places: 1. before rounding up to PAGE_SIZE in the case where we don't want to set B_MALLOC, and 2. prior to setting B_MALLOC in the case where we do.

But in an earlier comment you stated that "4291
I do not see why would check for bufmallocspace needed there." So I removed it and only did that check prior to setting B_MALLOC. cem is asking if we do want the check prior to rounding up to PAGE_SIZE after all.


I do not quite understand what you are asking. Which check below ?

If we do not allocate malloc buffer, there is no point (and it is even impossible) to allocate not in quantities of PAGE_SIZE. So if the maxbufmallocspace check fails and we decided to allocate page-backed buffer, we need to round.

This is the only sense that I can see in the question.

This revision now requires review to proceed.Aug 17 2018, 8:09 PM

Why did you moved the check for mallocspace back into the want_malloc_buf() ?

In D16573#356822, @kib wrote:

Why did you moved the check for mallocspace back into the want_malloc_buf() ?

I thought we wanted that check in both places where want want_malloc_buf() is called? I can inline it in both places if that's preferred.

In D16573#356822, @kib wrote:

Why did you moved the check for mallocspace back into the want_malloc_buf() ?

I thought we wanted that check in both places where want want_malloc_buf() is called? I can inline it in both places if that's preferred.

We already discussed that some time ago. But lets move on.

I think whatever is in review right now, is fine.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 18 2018, 10:54 AM
  • Use patch as suggested by cem instead. Move roundup within vfs_nonvmio_* instead of using check in allocbuf().
This revision now requires review to proceed.Aug 23 2018, 11:18 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 24 2018, 6:24 PM
This revision now requires review to proceed.Oct 3 2018, 8:13 PM

Remove change to separate fix accidentally introduced.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 4 2018, 11:10 AM