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New port: x11-themes/xfce-evolution: Complete Xfce Evolution Gtk2, Gtk3, Qt4, Qt5, wxWidgets, Xfce themes

Authored by yuri on Nov 24 2017, 5:15 AM.
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yuri retitled this revision from New port: Complete Xfce Evolution Gtk2, Gtk3, Qt4, Qt5, wxWidgets, Xfce themes to New port: x11-themes/xfce-evolution: Complete Xfce Evolution Gtk2, Gtk3, Qt4, Qt5, wxWidgets, Xfce themes.Nov 24 2017, 5:17 AM
16 ↗(On Diff #35677)

^maybe it would be a bit more compact to use the pkgname to depend on it instead of these long paths :)

6–7 ↗(On Diff #35677)
MASTER_SITES=        SF/${THEME:tW:tl:S/ /-/g}


yuri marked an inline comment as done.


yuri marked an inline comment as done.Nov 24 2017, 7:37 PM
yuri added inline comments.
6–7 ↗(On Diff #35677)

Should MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR be renamed into _MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR then in Mk/?

16 ↗(On Diff #35677)

How to do this?

For example, RUN_DEPENDS=gtk-murrine-engine:x11-themes/gtk-murrine-engine doesn't work.

yuri marked 3 inline comments as done.Nov 24 2017, 7:37 PM
16 ↗(On Diff #35677)

|Porters Handbook

A minimal version of a dependency can be specified in any *_DEPENDS except LIB_DEPENDS using this syntax:


The first field contains a dependent package name, which must match the entry in the package database, a comparison sign, and a package version. The > dependency is satisfied if p5-Spiffy-0.26 or newer is installed on the machine.

I grant you it's nicer to depend on a file, but these paths just look too long and subject o change :D

yuri marked an inline comment as done.Nov 24 2017, 7:48 PM
yuri added inline comments.
16 ↗(On Diff #35677)

This didn't occur to me fast enough. -)

yuri marked 2 inline comments as done.Nov 24 2017, 7:48 PM
33 ↗(On Diff #35723)

^out of curiousity. Have you checked whether they are really not requiring any bash features?

yuri marked an inline comment as done.Nov 24 2017, 7:54 PM
yuri added inline comments.
33 ↗(On Diff #35723)

-) Of course I did. They are all very simple and plain scripts.

yuri marked 2 inline comments as done.Nov 24 2017, 7:54 PM
6 ↗(On Diff #35723)
^ is this a joke? ^^
yuri marked an inline comment as done.Nov 24 2017, 8:38 PM
yuri added inline comments.
6 ↗(On Diff #35723)

No, it reuses the THEME variable.
Would you prefer to just type the text instead?

yuri marked 2 inline comments as done.Nov 24 2017, 8:38 PM
6 ↗(On Diff #35723)

well, the punchline is on line 3, isn't it?

33 ↗(On Diff #35723)

very good :)

Removed THEME: it was a bad idea.

yuri marked an inline comment as done.Nov 24 2017, 8:50 PM
yuri marked an inline comment as done.
In D13219#275779, @yuri wrote:

Removed THEME: it was a bad idea.

I wouldn't call it a bad idea :) just not ideally used

I wouldn't call it a bad idea :) just not ideally used

There're actually fewer lines without THEME, and it's easier to read. So it's better in this case IMO.

In D13219#275795, @yuri wrote:

I wouldn't call it a bad idea :) just not ideally used

There're actually fewer lines without THEME, and it's easier to read. So it's better in this case IMO.

Yes, I meant that playing around with variables is not bad per se :)

29 ↗(On Diff #35735)

^ I think you could come up with something nicer here
a) is it really important to get rid of the whitespaces?
b) you only want to replace the whitepsaces in "Xfce Theme <Foo>", so maybe iterate over the Foo's you want to install and do a ${COPYTREE_SHARE} "Xfce Theme ${FOO}" ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/themes/Xfce-Theme-${FOO}"
or some valid variation thereof.

Which might look a bit cleaner.

yuri added inline comments.
29 ↗(On Diff #35735)

I simplified it. -)

34 ↗(On Diff #35746)

Just FYI, if you wanted to, you could also use shebangfix here, which is very precise about how it modifies files.

SHEBANG_REGEX= 00.[0-4]0
6 ↗(On Diff #35723)

I am definitely laughing!

Is the subdir likely to change? If not, it's probably safe to hardcode it.

yuri marked an inline comment as done.


Looks good to me now :) -- if @adamw is ok with the SHEBANG changes, go for it .

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 25 2017, 9:35 AM

Looks good to me now :) -- if @adamw is ok with the SHEBANG changes, go for it .

LGTM too!

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