Update Tools/scripts/rmport to ignore commented out EXPIRATION_DATE lines
Add back the commented out Expiration date and make sure we don't get whines
Approved by: (rene|adamw) (portmgr, mentor), crees (maintainer)
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- Repository
- rP FreeBSD ports repository
- Lint
No Lint Coverage - Unit
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Buildable 8988 Build 9384: arc lint + arc unit
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Comment Actions
Remove the ^ from the added grep(1) since grep -H adds the filename.
it could have spaces before it anyway.
Comment Actions
A better alternative would be
xargs grep -H ${EXPVAR} | cut -f 2 -d : | grep -v ^# \ |
to not get distracted by comments after the expiration date
This comment was removed by adamw.
This comment was removed by ler.