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libgcc_s: Add libm dependencies from div* functions

Authored by emaste on Oct 7 2016, 9:20 PM.
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F86202897: D8190.id21367.diff
Sun, Jun 16, 10:48 PM
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Thu, Jun 13, 11:49 PM
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Wed, Jun 5, 10:03 AM
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Wed, Jun 5, 10:03 AM
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Wed, Jun 5, 10:03 AM
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Mon, Jun 3, 12:22 AM
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Sun, Jun 2, 6:49 PM
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Fri, May 31, 2:40 PM



div{d,s,x}c3.c contain calls to builtins such as` __builtin_scalbnl`, which Clang turns back into a call to scalbnl.

For now link libm's C version of the required support routines.

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Event Timeline

emaste retitled this revision from to libgcc_s: Add libm dependencies from div* functions.
emaste updated this object.
emaste edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
emaste added reviewers: theraven, ed, dim.
emaste added a subscriber: bapt.

This is for the shared library used for unwinding, etc., right? Would there be any harm in just linking against libm dynamically?

In D8190#170144, @ed wrote:

This is for the shared library used for unwinding, etc., right? Would there be any harm in just linking against libm dynamically?

For unwinding as well as compiler runtime support. I don't really like introducing a nearly universal dependency on libm.

ed edited edge metadata.
In D8190#170144, @ed wrote:

This is for the shared library used for unwinding, etc., right? Would there be any harm in just linking against libm dynamically?

For unwinding as well as compiler runtime support. I don't really like introducing a nearly universal dependency on libm.

Makes sense. I was under the impression that libgcc_s was only used for stack unwinding, but it looks it's also linked in when building simple C apps. :-)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 13 2016, 6:29 PM
In D8190#171242, @ed wrote:

Makes sense. I was under the impression that libgcc_s was only used for stack unwinding, but it looks it's also linked in when building simple C apps. :-)

Yes, these libraries are confusing. In summary:

  • libgcc.a contains compiler runtime support (e.g. 64-bit division on 32-bit processors)
  • libgcc_eh.a contains the exception handling stack unwinding code
  • contains both of the above for dynamically linked binaries
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