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[new port] sysutils/powerd++

Authored by kami on Mar 1 2016, 5:06 PM.
Referenced Files
F111831619: D5510.id13982.diff
Sun, Mar 9, 12:32 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Mar 4, 3:28 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Mar 2, 1:45 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 23, 9:18 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 12:08 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 8:28 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 22, 3:33 AM



New port, no dependencies.

Test Plan
  • port test finished without complaint (with and without DOCS)
  • Also, xmj looked over it

poudriere tests: 10.2-release-amd64, 10.2-release-i386, 9.3-release-amd64, 9.3-release-i386 succeeded.

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

kami retitled this revision from to [new port] sysutils/powerd++.
kami updated this object.
kami edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
kami added reviewers: cs, koobs.
kami set the repository for this revision to rP FreeBSD ports repository.
kami added a project: Ports Committers.

Having + in the PORTNAME is a pain, and should be avoided. As the GitHub project is called powerdxx, maybe this port should be called that too. (even if it installs a powerd++ binary.)

Not installing the man page is a very bad idea, this is FreeBSD, not Linux, we install the basic documentation with our software. And then, there is only one file which installation is controlled by the DOCS option, remove it, and always install the file.

In D5510#117460, @mat wrote:

Having + in the PORTNAME is a pain, and should be avoided. As the GitHub project is called powerdxx, maybe this port should be called that too. (even if it installs a powerd++ binary.)

There is a lot of precendence:

> find /usr/ports/ -type d -name \*++\*

Naming the github project powerdxx was a workaround.

Yes, and because other people did stupid things does not mean you have to.

Please don't.

In D5510#117709, @mat wrote:

Yes, and because other people did stupid things does not mean you have to.

Please don't.

Everyone seems to think you are right, just like you, no one is giving me a reason. Very frustrating.

I'll go with the only one I could come up with myself - no characters with special meaning in a regexp.

Implements suggestions from mat.

There is that, yes. Also, subpackages, that are coming soon™, need a separator, that won't be anywhere in the package name, the + would be nice.


It's not really clear what all this does.

I get it's some magic to pass some variables along, but I doubt you need everything, it would be easier to maintain if you did not abuse SUB_LIST but only passed the one you really need, PREFIX and DOCSDIR.


remove the %%PORTDOCS%%, as there is no DOCS option, it does not do anything.

In D5510#117726, @mat wrote:

There is that, yes

Should that be a policy? I.e. should I draft an update to the package naming conventions?

. Also, subpackages, that are coming soon™, need a separator, that won't be anywhere in the package name, the + would be nice.

The would mean renaming 65 packages. Doable I guess, Also there a 348 ports with a . in the name.

Upstream now handles variable substitution for install paths, so only the variables instead of a whole sed command are required.


No need to do +=

kami marked an inline comment as done.


kami edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
kami marked an inline comment as done.

Fix build on 9.3.

mat added a reviewer: mat.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 26 2016, 6:36 AM
cs edited edge metadata.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.