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science/massxpert: Improve port

Authored by salvadore on May 6 2022, 12:57 PM.
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Tue, May 28, 5:29 AM
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Fri, May 17, 6:51 PM
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Thu, May 16, 12:00 AM
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Tue, May 14, 4:26 AM
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Tue, May 14, 4:26 AM
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Sat, May 4, 10:41 AM
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May 1 2024, 5:00 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 28 2024, 11:20 PM



science/massxpert: Improve port

- Remove unneeded dependency on libpcre.
- Add USES= compiler:c++17-lang, consistently with
  set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) (line 65 of CMakeLists.txt).
- Remove USES= tar:bzip2.
- Set WWW in pkg-descr to the site reported by

Reported by: diizzy

Diff Detail

R11 FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

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tar:bzip2 should go if you're using USE_GITLAB

You could check if works and contains the same sources to avoid GitLab. If you want to pursue that solution you might also want to look into using

Thanks diizzy.

I removed tar:bzip2. I prefer keeping GitLab: I don't see any advantage in switching to the debian site. It is not a big deal to maitain a few lines t
o use GitLab and, on the contrary, I find the GitLab site more practical as it shows the source online and I can submit merge requests if I need it. For the same reason, it is also the site in pkg-descr.

gerald requested changes to this revision.May 7 2022, 2:42 PM

In the commit message you probably want to mention the LICENSE_FILE change, and adding some Why? for the compiler:c++17-lang addition probably would be useful.

Approved if you consider these two (just not marking as approved her in the tool yet to make sure you see my comments - you can then consider it approved, though).

This revision now requires changes to proceed.May 7 2022, 2:42 PM

In the commit message you probably want to mention the LICENSE_FILE change, and adding some Why? for the compiler:c++17-lang addition probably would be useful.

Approved if you consider these two (just not marking as approved her in the tool yet to make sure you see my comments - you can then consider it approved, though).

Thanks Gerald, I will add what is missing. However, I am still waiting to commit this: I am doing some research and I think I might probably need to change the site in pkg-descr. Morevover two different repositories exist for the same software: I think I have taken the right one, but I need to confirm it.

I added back the LICENSE_FILE, since it has now been clarified that GPL licenses are not an exception, and changed the WWW link to the link that is reported in the file.

I am still a bit confused about what is the real upstream of this software: according to the site which is now in WWW it should be , but the repository seems to be more up to date and developed by the same author.
I tried sending a mail to ask for clarifications, but I have not received a reply after a week. Unless someone has a better strategy to suggest, I am going to leave the actual source, which is the one that looks more up to date.

"consistently" -> "consistent" in the commit message.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 15 2022, 8:29 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.

On May 16th I received a reply to my mail: I have been confirmed that I did the right thing about upstream and WWW.