Typical operation example:
Network device driver call flow:
/* Get xDMA controller */ sc->xdma_tx = xdma_ofw_get(sc->dev, "tx"); /* Allocate virtual channel */ sc->xchan_tx = xdma_channel_alloc(sc->xdma_tx, caps);
int atse_xdma_tx_intr(void *arg, xdma_transfer_status_t *status) { for (;;) { err = xdma_dequeue_mbuf(sc->xchan_tx, &m, &st); if (err != 0) { break; } } } /* Setup interrupt handler. */ xdma_setup_intr(sc->xchan_tx, atse_xdma_tx_intr, sc, &sc->ih_tx); /* Prepare SG transfer */ xdma_prep_sg(sc->xchan_tx, TX_QUEUE_SIZE);
/* Enqueue (multiple) mbufs to receive */ m = m_getcl(); xdma_enqueue_mbuf(sc->xchan_rx, &m, 0, 4, 4, XDMA_DEV_TO_MEM); m = m_getcl(); xdma_enqueue_mbuf(sc->xchan_rx, &m, 0, 4, 4, XDMA_DEV_TO_MEM); ... xdma_queue_submit(sc->xchan_rx);
/* Enqueue mbuf to transmit */ xdma_enqueue_mbuf(sc->xchan_tx, &m, 0, 4, 4, XDMA_MEM_TO_DEV); xdma_queue_submit(sc->xchan_tx);
DMA engine driver functions:
/* Prepare a channel for SG transfer */ softdma_channel_prep_sg(device_t dev, struct xdma_channel *xchan) { ... } /* Submit sg list */ softdma_channel_submit_sg(device_t dev, struct xdma_channel *xchan, struct xdma_sglist *sg, uint32_t sg_n) { ... } /* Provide the amount of free entries for requests. */ softdma_channel_capacity(device_t dev, xdma_channel_t *xchan, uint32_t *capacity) { ... }
Example usage:
xDMA support for atse(4) D9618
mSGDMA driver D9619
SoftDMA® driver D9620
ARM PrimeCell® PL330 driver D10201
Cadence Quad SPI Flash driver D10245
Can you use little more consistent naming please? xchan_buf is turning into xdma_buf magically here.