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net/concourse-fly: New port for Concourse's CLI

Authored by dumbbell on Sep 7 2016, 9:10 PM.
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Tue, Feb 25, 11:42 PM
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Nov 2 2024, 9:45 AM
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Beside comments on the port itself, I'm wondering what would be the
best category. fly is a tool to access a remote Concourse deployment.
Concourse itself is a CI system, just like Jenkins.

Furtnermore, the CLI is called fly. Unfortunately, there is another
port, graphics/fly, which already installs a command with the same
name. I would like to keep the fly name because it's the name used in
Concourse documentation and I would like the experience to be flawless
to the end-user (the ultimate goal would be to package Concourse
itself). How is this kind of conflict resolved usually?

Test Plan

I ran Poudriere for 11-CURRENT/amd64 and 9.3-RELEASE/amd64. I also
built the port locally on 12-CURRENT/amd64 and used it at work.

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

dumbbell retitled this revision from to net/concourse-fly: New port for Concourse's CLI.
dumbbell updated this object.
dumbbell edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
dumbbell added reviewers: kwm, swills.
5 ↗(On Diff #20153)

This is out of order, and in that case, better do:


23–44 ↗(On Diff #20153)

This is a great description of what you are doing, but this is not how we do things, the way we do things is explained in the porter's handbook:

5 ↗(On Diff #20153)

Just to be clear, this port is about the CLI only, not the entire Concourse. So if Concourse is packaged one day, they will not conflict, right? With your suggestion, this port will still be named "concourse-fly" but there will be no need to override DISTNAME, correct?

23–44 ↗(On Diff #20153)

I read that example before doing that. As far as I understand, the example only supports repositories hosted on GitHub. However, Concourse uses Git submodules hosted elsewhere too. I will add a comment about that to explain why the example from the Porter's handbook couldn't be applied here.

Update patch to latest upstream release (2.3.1)

3–7 ↗(On Diff #21798)

This should be:

​PORTNAME=        concourse
​PORTVERSION=        2.3.1
​CATEGORIES=        net sysutils
​MASTER_SITES=        LOCAL/dumbbell/concourse/


Suggested by: mat

mat added a reviewer: mat.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 30 2016, 9:49 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.