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Always create loopback routes on every fib

Authored by asomers on May 26 2016, 6:01 PM.
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Jan 12 2025, 8:54 AM
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Dec 22 2024, 2:40 AM
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Dec 2 2024, 12:49 AM
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Dec 2 2024, 12:49 AM
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Dec 2 2024, 12:43 AM
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Dec 2 2024, 12:24 AM



Always create loopback routes on every fib, for both IPv4 and IPv6

Create loopback IPv4 and IPv6 routes on every fib at boot. Revert
278302; now that all FIBs have IPv6 loopback routes, the "route add
-reject" commands won't fail.

Greatly simplify static_ipv6_loopback_route_for_each_fib. It was
written under the assumption that loopback routes would be added to
a given fib by the kernel as soon as an interface is configured on
that fib. However, the logic can be much simpler now that we simply
add loopback routes to all fibs at boot. This also removes the need
to run the test as root, removes the restriction that
net.add_addr_allfibs=0, and removes the need to configure fibs in

Also, add a test case for IPv4 loopback routes

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

asomers retitled this revision from to Always create loopback routes on every fib.
asomers updated this object.
asomers edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
asomers added reviewers: rpaulo, melifaro.
asomers added a subscriber: will.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.