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HTML pre-formatted cron's emails
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by on Oct 24 2021, 10:59 PM.
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F111977284: D32630.id97376.diff
Tue, Mar 11, 2:25 AM
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Wed, Feb 26, 1:11 AM
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Thu, Feb 20, 1:53 PM
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Fri, Feb 14, 5:00 PM
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Feb 1 2025, 5:06 AM
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Feb 1 2025, 5:06 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 1 2025, 5:06 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 25 2025, 8:03 PM


Group Reviewers
Contributor Reviews (src)

basic html pre-tags makes cron's emails easier to read.
except on apple's mail client... which is behaving utterly insane no matter how i'm trying to format stuff.

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rG FreeBSD src repository
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lwhsu added a subscriber: lwhsu.

I think this is an interesting idea, but would be better to put behind an option or config and for not changing the default behavior.

OTOH, if some sort of the client cannot display plain text format mails correctly, would it make more sense to fix it or let the mail be passed through a filter?

OTOH, if some sort of the client cannot display plain text format mails correctly, would it make more sense to fix it or let the mail be passed through a filter?

I have no hope of Apple ever fixing their stuff... iOS mail has been broken in "interesting" ways for years now.
I'll play around a bit more with the CSS to find out if anything makes this work on iOS.

btw an alternative place for this would be in mail(1), in particular for periodic emails. But to be honest, cron's code was much easier to read...

add cmdline option to switch html-pre on and off

fwiw, the email app in iphone ios 15.2.1 no longer line-breaks pre-formatted text. but the app ui goes all wonky.