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Convert the USES table into multiple <sect1>.

Authored by mat on Jul 21 2015, 1:30 PM.
Referenced Files
F112082243: D3142.id7172.diff
Wed, Mar 12, 1:41 PM
F112080585: D3142.id7137.diff
Wed, Mar 12, 1:17 PM
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Mon, Mar 10, 11:16 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Mar 4, 11:32 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 23, 4:13 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 3:57 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 8 2025, 12:42 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 6 2025, 10:42 PM

Diff Detail

rD FreeBSD doc repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

mat retitled this revision from to Convert the USES table into multiple <sect1>..
mat updated this object.
mat edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
mat added reviewers: wblock, gjb.

Mostly just looked at the introduction. I like this in some ways, but I liked the compactness of the table version, too. The html-split version of this only has a table of contents at the very start. It's probably fine, though.

33 ↗(On Diff #7137)

Probably should not phrase this as a question. Maybe just

USES Values
USES Macros
Simplifying Ports with USES Macros

35 ↗(On Diff #7137)

Should be "USES macros" or "USES values" or something like that.

<para><varname>USES</varname> macros make it easy to declare requirements and settings for a port.

37 ↗(On Diff #7137)


Good, but "and so on." is preferred to "etc." Nice to also point out it is easier than doing it manually:

...add metadata to packages, and so on, all by selecting simple, preset values.

mat marked 2 inline comments as done.Jul 22 2015, 11:07 AM
In D3142#62662, @wblock wrote:

Mostly just looked at the introduction. I like this in some ways, but I liked the compactness of the table version, too. The html-split version of this only has a table of contents at the very start. It's probably fine, though.

I liked the compact table, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and I did not like the way it was growing.
I don't really like the fact that in the html-split version there's now only one USES, but it's a rendering problem, not a documentation problem. Maybe there could be some new metadata added to the chapter telling it to not split itself into 60+ sub-sections.

33 ↗(On Diff #7137)

Yes, but, the title of the chapter is already Values of USES, this sect1 being an introduction on what this is, and how to use it, I wanted something more catchy. Or at least, different from the chapter's title.

37 ↗(On Diff #7137)

Damn, I wrote behavior, and replaced it with behaviour thinking it was the en_US way, I'll try to remember it.

mat marked an inline comment as done.
mat edited edge metadata.
  • Reword first §.
mat marked an inline comment as done.Jul 22 2015, 11:08 AM
33 ↗(On Diff #7172)

Using USES Macros
An Introduction to USES
Simplifying Ports with USES

If you want to keep it in the form of a question, add a question mark to the original:
What Are USES?

But it's not really a question/answer format.

mat marked 3 inline comments as done.Jul 23 2015, 11:52 AM
  • Rename the chapter's title, and the first section's.
wblock edited edge metadata.

Please remember to check with igor and build-test before commit. Thanks!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 23 2015, 2:03 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.