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Enhance the "How do I know if my port is building correctly or not?" question. While there, axe the ports freeze category.

Authored by mat on Apr 29 2015, 9:25 PM.
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rD FreeBSD doc repository - subversion
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mat retitled this revision from to Enhance the "How do I know if my port is building correctly or not?" question. While there, axe the ports freeze category..
mat updated this object.
mat edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
mat added reviewers: wblock, gjb.
mat added subscribers: Doc Committers, portmgr.
gjb edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 29 2015, 9:44 PM
eadler added a reviewer: eadler.
eadler added a subscriber: eadler.

cool. I wasn't sure if we wanted to leave this question or not, but you're in a much better position to know :)


If this is no longer used, why not just remove the entry?

If there is a reason to keep it...

There are a lot of separate clauses in this sentence, and it is really more than one sentence.

to ensure the quality of the packages shipped with a release
used to be in a restricted state
for a short period of time
while most problems were fixed
while the packages were being built

Rearrange and split this up. I'd suggest explaining what a ports freeze was first, then in a separate sentence explain that it is no longer done.

A <quote>ports freeze</quote> was ...
This practice is no longer used. Packages for new releases are now built...


s/builds/build/, but see above.
s/short period of time/short time/


If the <xref will not make this line too long, it is easier to read to keep it with the rest of the line.


s/will be/is/

"will be emailed from" is a little weird. Maybe it means "will receive an email from"?


"In addition" seems unnecessary.

The "official..non-regression" part is really an aside and should be in parens if it is there:
All package builds (official, experimental, and non-regression) are aggregated at...

What does "aggregated" mean here?


It's for historical reason, yes, so that people don't have to ask on a list what a port freeze is and why it's not documented.


right now, there are six servers running the official i386/amd64 package builds, two other are running arm/mips builds, and a dozen other servers are running experimental and non-regression builds, pkg-status collects all the poudriere data from all the hosts and displays it in one place. I thought it was what aggregation is all about.

mat marked 5 inline comments as done.Apr 30 2015, 12:07 PM
mat edited edge metadata.

Rearrange the ports freeze question, and update the port is building correctly one.

This revision now requires review to proceed.Apr 30 2015, 12:08 PM

Much better, thanks!


"Aggregation" just means "combined". Saying the package builds are aggregated suggests that the builds are combined on one machine or cluster. But what it means here is that the status reports are combined and available. So maybe

"Status reports for all of the package builds... are aggregated at..."


Or perhaps "Build reports [...]"? To me, "status report" means something different in this context.


But then, you end up with a sentence starting and ending with "build"

mat edited edge metadata.


gjb edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 30 2015, 3:26 PM
wblock edited edge metadata.

I like it. It has a good beat and it's easy to dance to.