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Add BROKEN_${OPSYS} functionality to

Authored by marino on Apr 2 2015, 9:41 AM.
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See title.
While here, tweak description of BROKEN (add missing hyphen, wrap to 75)
Two common cases envisioned:
BROKEN_FreeBSD= (for when port continues to build fine on DragonFly)
BROKEN_DragonFly= (A visible way to show port doesn't build on DragonFly,
especially for ports that fail a long time into the build (e.g.
mysql-workbench*). It saves having to create (an invisible)
Makefile.DragonFly in DPorts.

Note the first case has happened several times.
Note2: Reviewers could not be set to "portmgr"

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rP FreeBSD ports repository
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marino retitled this revision from to Add BROKEN_${OPSYS} functionality to
marino updated this object.
marino edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
marino added a reviewer: bapt.

I assume about "could not be set to portmgr" you mean when you ran arc diff --create ? portmgr is a group, and you use portmgr to show it.
But it doesn't matter, portmgr will be added as a reviewer for everything that touches Mk, I think.

I've been wanting a BROKEN_RELEASE or BROKEN_OSVERSION. I haven't thought enough about it yet, but I think it could be combined with this BROKEN_OPSYS idea.

i wonder if we can do something like:

BROKEN_IF=       ${OSVERSION} < 900005 || ${OSVERSION} > 1000051
BROKEN_IF_MSG=   Broken with ${OSVERSION} foobar not supported.

The challenge with both OSREL and OSVERSION is that it's specific to FreeBSD.
It would have to be something like:

BROKEN_FreeBSD_G1000100 (greater than)

for example

If you guys want, I can expand this to handle:

BROKEN_${OPSYS}_G[some number] (greater than or equal osversion)
BROKEN_${OPSYS}_L[some number] (less than osversion

you can combine the last two for a range.

Do you want something like that?

I do prefer the

I do like:


there are some complexe case for the tests of matching version that cannot be expressed with only a GT/LT so imho it is better to have a generic IF

does "BROKEN_FreeBSD_IF= ${OSVERSION} < 900005 || ${OSVERSION} > 1000051"
evaluate to a boolean?

Given the last comment, I'd recommend:


the R version will be useful in its own right.

In D2207#12, @marino wrote:

does "BROKEN_FreeBSD_IF= ${OSVERSION} < 900005 || ${OSVERSION} > 1000051"
evaluate to a boolean?

No it does not (I haven't tested but have the feeling it won't) I do not even know if that would be possible at all :) but I do like the idea

Given the last comment, I'd recommend:


the R version will be useful in its own right.

Sounds good

it doesn't work.

This would work though:

.if ${OSVERSION} < 900005 || ${OSVERSION} > 1000051
BROKEN_FreeBSD= my great broken message

it's simple, flexible, functional and doesn't require more code

marino edited edge metadata.

This version added BROKEN_${OPSYS}_${OSREL:R}

(Note that I decided against the "R", e.g. BROKEN_FreeBSD_8, not BROKEN_FreeBSD_R8)
Anyway, it's valid to do something like:

.if ${OSVERSION} > 800300 && ${OSVERSION} <= 800400
BROKEN_FreeBSD=	Base unsuitable for short window (${OSREL})

because the OSVERSION between FreeBSD and DragonFly will not overlap.
I think it would still be worth creating "greater than" and "less than"
OSVERSION checks though -- cleaner and more intuitive, and we can always
fall back to the example above for maximum flexibility.

I would really love to see this approved. It can be used all over ports to simplify makefiles, e.g. when something is broken on FreeBSD 8 only...

Nobody has provided a thumbs down so can it be approved?

mat added a reviewer: mat.

Looks good to me.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 2 2015, 9:26 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.