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Fix tests after rS347207

Authored by lwhsu on May 7 2019, 8:35 PM.
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The new test cases added in rS347207 are failing in the CI system because of the output on stderr doesn't match:

I'm not 100% sure it's better to fix the saved output or the test code, but the test code modification is newer so I assume it's intended. Anyway, it's more like a style issue to me.

Test Plan

cd /usr/tests/lib/libxo && kyua test

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

lwhsu retitled this revision from Fix tests after r347207 to Fix tests after rS347207.May 7 2019, 8:51 PM
lwhsu edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
lwhsu edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
lwhsu added a reviewer: phil.

@phil or do you want me to have a PR in github?

Strange error; libtool related. On some platforms it seems to remove the ".test" extension. I'll add a fix to libxo to force removal of the extension (using xo_program() to set it to the basename), but for now, the fix here will be fine.

Are there instructions for how to test my particular component under kyua? Is it just "cd /usr/tests/lib/libxo && kyua test"?


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 7 2019, 9:09 PM
In D20188#434976, @phil wrote:

Strange error; libtool related. On some platforms it seems to remove the ".test" extension. I'll add a fix to libxo to force removal of the extension (using xo_program() to set it to the basename), but for now, the fix here will be fine.


Are there instructions for how to test my particular component under kyua? Is it just "cd /usr/tests/lib/libxo && kyua test"?

Yes, if you don't have kyua on your system, please install kyua package from pkg. libxo tests seems doesn't have other external dependencies so it should be fine.
Also please check kyua(1) for more information, you probably want to use kyua-debug(1) to execute a single test.

In D20188#434976, @phil wrote:

Strange error; libtool related. On some platforms it seems to remove the ".test" extension. I'll add a fix to libxo to force removal of the extension (using xo_program() to set it to the basename), but for now, the fix here will be fine.


BTW, test_08 and test_12 seem to have similar pattern, but their saved output (of .err) are different. I haven't dug into this.

@phil do you want me to commit this first (if you haven't had fix yet) to stop the failure warnings?

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.