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Updated the netfront driver to use the Xen-specific dma implementation
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Authored by pratyush on Dec 14 2018, 1:29 PM.
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Fri, Feb 28, 2:12 AM
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Fri, Feb 28, 1:51 AM
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Thu, Feb 27, 9:29 PM
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Thu, Feb 27, 8:44 PM
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Thu, Feb 27, 8:44 PM
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Thu, Feb 27, 7:04 PM




  • Added a DMA tag in each rx and tx queue.
  • Added DMA tag creation in setup_rxqs() and setup_txqs().
  • Added new functions xn_get_rx_map(), xn_unpool_rx_map(),

xn_repool_rx_map(), xn_unpool_tx_map(), xn_repool_tx_map(),
xn_get_map_gref() as helpers for using the dma maps with the netfront

  • Updated xn_rebuild_rx_bufs(), setup_rxqs(), and xn_assemble_tx_request

to use dma loads instead of gnttab_grant_foreign_access_ref().

  • Updated xn_release_rx_bufs(), xn_get_responses(), xn_release_tx_bufs()

and xn_txeof() to use dma unloads instead of

  • Updated disconnect_rxq() to use bus_dmamap_destroy() instead of


  • Created a generic DMA load callback xn_dma_cb() that any function

using loads can use if they don't want to do anything there.


  • My aim was to stay as close to the tried and tested code as

possible, so most of the code I wrote parallels the functionality
previously present.

  • Since netfront maintains a pool of grant references, I thought it

would be best to keep doing that. This had a challenge: the busdma
implementation can't work with pools of grant refs that can be
claimed/released as and when needed. I worked around it by creating a
"pool" of dma maps. Each map corresponds to 1 grant reference, and I
maintain a pool of dma maps for each queue. Whenever a grant ref is
needed, a map is removed from the pool. Whenever the grant reference is
released, the corresponding map is added back to the pool. The functions
xn_unpool_rx/tx_map() andxn_repool_rx/tx_map() do this.

  • The calls to xn_unpool_rx/tx_map() are equivalent to

gnttab_claim_grant_reference() and the calls to xn_repool_rx/tx_map()
are equivalent to gnttab_release_grant_reference().

  • The calls to bus_dmamap_load() are equivalent to


  • The calls to bus_dmamap_unload() are equivalent to


  • The calls to bus_dmamap_destroy() are equivalent to


  • I create a DMA tag for each rx/tx queue. There are two reasons for


  • Since all loads on a single tag must be serialized, there might be a loss in performance with a single tag because the synchronization can lead to a bottleneck.
  • Trying to synchronize access to the tag proved to be difficult, because of my lack of familiarity with the locking expectations on netfront_info's sc_lock.

This driver uses the Xen-specific bus_dma(9) implementation. It is
located in sys/xen/busdma_xen.h and sys/x86/xen/busdma_xen.c

Diff Detail

rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped