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Allow freebsd-update fetch to run in a non-interactive tty

Authored by rodrigc on Jan 25 2015, 7:38 AM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 14, 9:51 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 14, 6:16 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 14, 4:00 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 3 2025, 7:28 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Dec 27 2024, 12:52 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 28 2024, 2:09 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 28 2024, 2:08 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 3 2024, 7:47 AM



The freebsd-update fetch command cannot run in a non-interactive tty.
This makes running freebsd-update via automation difficult.
The freebsd-update cron command can run via automation, but it adds
a random delay from 1 to 3600 seconds. This is inconvenient for automation.

These issues were discovered by Ahmed Kamal <>, who is helping
with Saltstack devops automation for the cluster.

Diff Detail

Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

rodrigc retitled this revision from to Allow freebsd-update fetch to run in a non-interactive tty.
rodrigc updated this object.
rodrigc edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
rodrigc added reviewers: allanjude, cperciva.

I'd much prefer to see a --not-a-dumb-cron-job option added for this. A large network doing synchronized updates can generate a lot of traffic, and I'm not confident that users will be aware of the risks.

I addressed this in my patch here: D1550

It allows a user to 'force' the fetch to continue by specifying -f

My patch was designed to actually add another sanity check (stop you doing a minor patch when you have not finished a previous upgrade), but the -f overrides either check.