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comms/cutecom: Upgrade to 0.45.0

Authored by jwb on Jun 23 2018, 12:59 PM.
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Nov 1 2023, 4:33 AM
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Oct 10 2023, 4:42 AM



comms/cutecom: Upgrade to 0.45.0
Approved by jrm (mentor) or wen (mentor)
Differential to be added to commit message

Test Plan

portlint -AC: looks fine
Passed poudriere on {10.4,11.1}-{amd64,i386}

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 17564
Build 17382: arc lint + arc unit

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The PORTNAME should match the project name except when the port installs a single binary. In that case, PORTNAME should match the binary name. Am I recalling @mat's argument correctly?

I recall the conversation, but I think it ended with a lack of consensus
even among senior developers. The handbook still doesn't clarify this.
I'm agnostic...

In D15981#338420, @jwb wrote:

I recall the conversation, but I think it ended with a lack of consensus
even among senior developers. The handbook still doesn't clarify this.
I'm agnostic...

As am I. Say the word and I'll approve. I do think @mat, who I normally find has logical and consistent arguments, was clear. See the comment in

Thanks for digging up the old link. I already did change PORTNAME back to cutecom, as @mat's comment would seem to suggest. Also I recall the conversation going to email and getting a little heated, but @mat's take seemed reasonable to me so I've been trying to follow it.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 24 2018, 1:23 AM

I put the wrong revision URL in the commit, so it did not close automatically.

In D15981#338420, @jwb wrote:

I recall the conversation, but I think it ended with a lack of consensus
even among senior developers. The handbook still doesn't clarify this.
I'm agnostic...

There was a conversation, feedback was taken, and there already is a rule for this, the porter's handbook is very specific on this.

The only place where it says you should downcase PORTNAME is for single binary ports.

Say sysutils/lsof, which only installs one binary lsof was in fact called LsOF. Then, in this case, and only in this case, should you name the port lsof.

In all other cases, you should respect upstream's case.

Thanks for clarifying, I've updated my checklist...