
Fix two bugs that could result in PMC sampling effectively stopping.


Fix two bugs that could result in PMC sampling effectively stopping.
In both cases, the the effect of the bug was that a very small positive
number was written to the counter. This means that a large number of
events needed to occur before the next sampling interrupt would trigger.
Even with very frequently occurring events like clock cycles wrapping all
the way around could take a long time. Both bugs occurred when updating
the saved reload count for an outgoing thread on a context switch.

First, the counter-independent code compares the current reload count
against the count set when the thread switched in and generates a delta
to apply to the saved count. If this delta causes the reload counter
to go negative, it would add a full reload interval to wrap it around to
a positive value. The fix is to add the full reload interval if the
resulting counter is zero.

Second, occasionally the raw counter value read during a context switch
has actually wrapped, but an interrupt has not yet triggered. In this
case the existing logic would return a very large reload count (e.g.
2^48 - 2 if the counter had overflowed by a count of 2). This was seen
both for fixed-function and programmable counters on an E5-2643.
Workaround this case by returning a reload count of zero.

PR: 198149
Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D2557
Reviewed by: emaste
MFC after: 1 week
Sponsored by: Norse Corp, Inc.


jhbAuthored on
Differential Revision
D2557: Fix two issues that caused sampling to effectively stop.
rS283122: MFC r282436 (the portion that makes sense):