core(5) appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX Obtained from: NetBSD
Found it here: is a scan of the manual for the first edition of UNIX as explained here:
Note that this may cause a subtle change in behaviour if either the ports tree is not present on a system or if javavmwrapper is otherwise instructed to use it's own internal logic (e.g. if JAVAVM_FALLBACK_ONLY is set).
This will depend on what versions the user has installed. This is actually more of a bug in javavmwrapper which I'll look into (it doesn't understand JDK 13 yet). It also doesn't have a default version (e.g. 8) and uses the "newest" one if no version is supplied. If a version is supplied then it uses the newest version that it understands.
An alternative to all these script changes would be to have always add JAVA_VERSION to SUB_LIST, using the version it ends up deciding on if none is set.