PR: 228330
- bring to ~HEAD
| Differential D15965 Authored by rigoletto on Jun 22 2018, 1:48 PM.
Summary PR: 228330
Diff Detail
Event TimelineHerald added a subscriber: mat. · View Herald TranscriptJun 22 2018, 1:48 PM2018-06-22 13:48:21 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17541: Diff 44300.Jun 22 2018, 1:48 PM2018-06-22 13:48:24 (UTC+0) rigoletto edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Jun 22 2018, 1:53 PM2018-06-22 13:53:44 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17542: Diff 44303.Jun 22 2018, 2:52 PM2018-06-22 14:52:51 (UTC+0) rigoletto retitled this revision from x11/polybar: broken. to x11/polybar: Fix build against x11/xcb-proto 1.13..Jun 22 2018, 3:45 PM2018-06-22 15:45:01 (UTC+0) Comment Actions Had to bring localbase:ldflags back, something related with the i3 module needs some patches. I just fail to understand how it was building perfectly fine a few days ago. Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17544: Diff 44308.Jun 22 2018, 3:49 PM2018-06-22 15:49:10 (UTC+0)
Comment Actions That was my 'set textwidth=80' config in neovim. ^^ Also taking maintainer ship, if @bapt decide to take it later it is fine. Thanks! Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17552: Diff 44322.Jun 22 2018, 8:46 PM2018-06-22 20:46:39 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17568: Diff 44351.Jun 23 2018, 4:30 PM2018-06-23 16:30:39 (UTC+0) Comment Actions Returning to the previous versioning scheme to avoid PORTEPOCH. The next version should not take too long to come out, however the port needs update because it is currently broken. Thanks! Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17569: Diff 44352.Jun 23 2018, 5:09 PM2018-06-23 17:09:50 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17570: Diff 44353.Jun 23 2018, 5:41 PM2018-06-23 17:41:51 (UTC+0) Comment Actions The github commit date for new commits are not really helpfull. The fisrt time I looked on there is '8 hours ago' and later '2 days ago'. :-/ Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17636: Diff 44479.Jun 26 2018, 6:40 PM2018-06-26 18:40:32 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17637: Diff 44480.Jun 26 2018, 6:42 PM2018-06-26 18:42:53 (UTC+0) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B17638: Diff 44481.Jun 26 2018, 6:45 PM2018-06-26 18:45:55 (UTC+0) This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.Jun 26 2018, 7:08 PM2018-06-26 19:08:19 (UTC+0) Closed by commit rP473406: x11/polybar: Fix build against x11/xcb-proto 1.13. (authored by tcberner). · Explain Why This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Revision Contents
Diff 44485 head/x11/polybar/Makefile
should be in alpha order?