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Add experimental support for IPFW to blacklistd-helper

Authored by lidl on Jun 8 2016, 3:16 AM.
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Basic support for IPFW.

It's unfortunate that the -q flag to ipfw does not suppress warning messages about
table operations.

Uses /etc/ipfw.conf to override settings for ipfw_offset (where the rule numbers start).
If this file isn't a shell script, things will probably go badly for the user.

Test Plan

Lightly tested in a virtual machine. Tables are created, addresses are added and removed as needed.

This code is intended as a starting point for IPFW users to experiment with blacklistd. It can almost
certainly be improved. Suggestions are welcome.

Diff Detail

Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

lidl retitled this revision from to Add experimental support for IPFW to blacklistd-helper.
lidl updated this object.
lidl edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
lidl added reviewers: rpaulo, emaste, imp, ache.
lidl set the repository for this revision to rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion.
  1. ipfw.conf is definitely bad name for the shell script. change it to ipfw.rc
  2. It will be better to specify "dst-port", i.e. "to any dst-port $6" instead of "to any $6" to keep it working in case ipfw syntax will become stricter.
  3. It will be nice to use protocol supplied, i.e. "drop $3" instead of "drop ip".
  4. Tables named with numbers only, you can't make/use table with "port$6" name. Table number can be specified in the ipfw.rc
  1. There is no such command /sbin/ipfw table $tname create type addr (at least on -stable), tables are created/deleted automatically when something added/removed to them. You can list current tables with

ipfw table all list
and current rules with
ipfw list

In D6753#142209, @ache wrote:
  1. Tables named with numbers only, you can't make/use table with "port$6" name. Table number can be specified in the ipfw.rc

It is for -stable. It seems -current allow names here.

In D6753#142210, @ache wrote:
  1. There is no such command /sbin/ipfw table $tname create type addr (at least on -stable), tables are created/deleted automatically when something added/removed to them.

This is for -current only too. It seems there is no plans to merge new ipfw changes to -stable, so if you want to see blacklistd on -stable to, table stuff should be rewritten.

In D6753#142209, @ache wrote:
  1. ipfw.conf is definitely bad name for the shell script. change it to ipfw.rc

ipfw.rc name is still confusing with ipfw initialization script. Better name it as ipfw-blacklist.rc

lidl edited edge metadata.
lidl removed rS FreeBSD src repository - subversion as the repository for this revision.

Updated to reflect first pass of review comments. Note - this round of changes hasn't been tested on my virtual machine (yet).

I'm not terribly inclined to butcher the ipfw syntax to be backwards compatible to FreeBSD-10.

I've looked at doing the back-port for blacklistd to FreeBSD-10, and while it can be done, it's not like the work can be shared with FreeBSD-11. This is mostly due to the different way that build-time options are done in FreeBSD-11 is very different than FreeBSD-10, as well as using LIBADD+= in all the Makefiles, vs the older syntax (LDADD+=, DPADD+=) with FreeBSD-10.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.