Pootle has released version 2.7.2, which imposes quite some changes.
The good news is that the package builds without any patches, except a one-liner for requirements/base.txt because we cannot properly select Django 1.7 in the port. The options also changed, MEMCACHED and LDAP are no longer supported.
Dependencies that are removed: databases/py-south, devel/py-argparse, devel/py-simplejson, www/py-django-taggit, www/py-django-voting
New dependencies: www/py-django-allauth, www/py-django-contact-form (needs to be 1.0), www/py-django-redis, www/py-django-overextends, devel/py-django-rq, databases/py-django-transaction-hooks, textproc/py-pyelasticsearch, databases/py-redis
Currently the package builds but it does not complete all of its internal run-tests (you will need to install some extra dependencies for that, and run a local REDIS server).