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2023Q1/Status: Add intro.adoc

Authored by salvadore on Apr 16 2023, 2:09 PM.
Referenced Files
F111315498: D39602.id120415.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 6:10 AM
F111314677: D39602.id120424.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 5:55 AM
F111312862: D39602.diff
Sun, Mar 2, 5:16 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 26, 1:14 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 1, 6:30 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 5:47 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 7 2025, 7:12 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 4 2025, 1:47 AM

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R9 FreeBSD doc repository
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 50947
Build 47838: arc lint + arc unit

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salvadore created this revision.

Sorry, but I had zero inspiration. If anyone is willing to add something, please do it.

LGTM, only two minor things, the first is a total personal thing


I'll remove the "here is the", sounds better for me, but I'm not a native speaker


Avoid the use of "you"

Sorry, but I had zero inspiration.

Oh dear! Relax, take a break, clear your head :-)

If anyone is willing to add something, please do it.

I'll be willing, later. In the meantime, I guess that inspiration can spring from 13.2-RELEASE. Whilst the announcement came during the second quarter, the final release candidate was neatly in the first quarter:

– the one and only commit in April was administrative.

In addition to the eight highlights in the announcement, which we need not repeat in a status intro, I'd cherry-pick at least:

  1. improvements to iwlwifi(4) for Intel
  2. the introduction of rtw88(4) for Realtek
  3. the introduction of graphics/drm-515-kmod (that is, intentionally a link to the FreshPorts page, not cgit), lead into this quarter's report for DRM drivers (i.e. GPU drivers)

– plus anything else that demonstrates FreeBSD becoming compatible with a (much) broader range of modern hardware.

Express the sum of last year's 13.1 leaps in compatibility plus this year's 13.2 leaps in compatibility as A Very Good Thing.

IMHO the greatest of last year's leaps was improved UEFI boot for amd64.

(I'm biased, because releases prior to 13.1 simply could not boot any of the new laptops that passed through my hands in my day job.)

  • Avoid using 'you'.
  • Add some more details about 13.2-RELEASE.

Sorry, but I had zero inspiration.

Oh dear! Relax, take a break, clear your head :-)

Maybe as a non-native English speaker I have given the impression that the situation is worse than it is: I only meant that I had no idea what to write in the introduction. Do not worry, I am fine :)

  1. improvements to iwlwifi(4) for Intel
  2. the introduction of rtw88(4) for Realtek

I have used those two suggestions to improve the introduction: they fit well since in the past we had reports about these topics. I think now the introduction is good enough.


I prefer to keep it as otherwise the line would look as a second title. I have also merged the sentence with the next one to avoid another use of you.


driver (singular)

  • Fixes suggested by grahamperrin

Is one more expected?

I count 25 reports:


  • Fix number of reports

Thanks @grahamperrin, I had miscounted. Maybe I counted intro.adoc as a report.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 17 2023, 2:27 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.