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Fix distfile checksums for net-mgmt/fastnetmon

Authored by farrokhi on Nov 8 2016, 4:16 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Mar 1, 11:53 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Mar 1, 12:31 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 10 2025, 2:10 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 1 2025, 3:46 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 16 2024, 1:18 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 8 2024, 7:21 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Nov 2 2024, 8:08 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Oct 24 2024, 4:56 PM



tarbal rerolled on GitHub with no specific change in code

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

farrokhi retitled this revision from to Fix distfile checksums for net-mgmt/fastnetmon.
farrokhi updated this object.
farrokhi edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
farrokhi added reviewers: mat, bapt.

have you analysed what are the difference between former version and newer?
sounds like the moved the tag meaning the package would probably be different meaning a bump of the port revision might be needed

In D8474#176540, @bapt wrote:

have you analysed what are the difference between former version and newer?
sounds like the moved the tag meaning the package would probably be different meaning a bump of the port revision might be needed

There has been no changes in the repository and contents for both archives were identical. A revision bump would mean an upgrade is necessary, while the code was not changed at all.
I discussed this issue with the original author as well and he is planning to move distfiles to his official website (under in a few days. As for the moment, the only official distribution channel is GitHub. I guess we need to use GH until the author announces new download site.

bapt edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 12 2016, 12:50 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.