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Add a warning for people who set foo_DEFAULT in their make.conf or environment.

Authored by mat on Sep 28 2016, 2:03 PM.
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Mon, Feb 3, 10:17 PM
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Jan 4 2025, 3:46 AM
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Jan 4 2025, 3:45 AM
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Jan 2 2025, 12:21 PM
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Nov 14 2024, 1:55 PM



People are misusing everything, and of course, it breaks. Try to leverage that.

About half a dozen PHP ports set PHP_DEFAULT for a good reason, so something may need to happen in those.

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rP FreeBSD ports repository
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mat retitled this revision from to Add a warning for people who set foo_DEFAULT in their make.conf or environment..
mat updated this object.
mat edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
mat added a reviewer: portmgr.

question: how are you going to implement the "removal" ?

i.e. if SSL_DEFAULT=libressl is set in /etc/make.conf, are you going to force an error if SSL_DEFAULT is defined before it should be?

question: how are you going to implement the "removal" ?

i.e. if SSL_DEFAULT=libressl is set in /etc/make.conf, are you going to force an error if SSL_DEFAULT is defined before it should be?

I don't know, it is possible, yes, or I will just .undef it and ignore it.

If you intend to ".undef" if, you need to specify that action exactly in the warning message.

Or perhaps emit a notice that the definition was undefined/ignored if it exists too early.

I think the date is a bit long for something that probably isn't that common, and I would almost rather go ahead and make it an error now.

I think the date is a bit long for something that probably isn't that common, and I would almost rather go ahead and make it an error now.

I started with 2016-12-31 and wondered if it was not too close by, also, I need to figure out how to handle the PHP ports.

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