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[PATCH] net-mgmt/nrpe: Adding monplugins flavor to nrpe

Authored by kiwi on Dec 19 2024, 12:12 PM.
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Tue, Jan 28, 11:01 PM
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Tue, Jan 28, 11:01 PM
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Tue, Jan 28, 11:01 PM
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Tue, Jan 28, 10:39 PM
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Sat, Jan 18, 2:26 AM
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Fri, Jan 10, 2:13 PM


net-mgmt/nrpe: Adding monplugins flavor to nrpe

Some user asked to add a flavor to permit to have nrpe already
packaged with monplugins.
This patch add this functionality and has been tested (both
flavors default and monplugins with poudriere under 13.4-RELEASE).

Sponsored by:   Klara, Inc.
Approved by:    bofh (maintainer)
Approved by:    0mp (mentor)

Diff Detail

R11 FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

kiwi requested review of this revision.Dec 19 2024, 12:12 PM
kiwi created this revision.

Add pet portlint in the commit message.


Sort alphabetically. Put this entire block below the next block of default conditionals.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 19 2024, 12:18 PM
kiwi marked an inline comment as done.
This revision now requires review to proceed.Dec 19 2024, 1:53 PM

Note I have swapped DISTVERSION and DISTVERSIONPREFIX because portclippy and portlint told me to do that.

My revision with portlint give me this output:

WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe".
WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=".
make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop
FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license''
1 fatal error and 2 warnings found.

Original port gave me this output:

WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe".
FATAL: Makefile: DISTVERSIONPREFIX appears out-of-order.
WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=".
make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop
FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license''
3 fatal errors and 2 warnings found.

I can remove the swap of this if you would like.

Note I have swapped DISTVERSION and DISTVERSIONPREFIX because portclippy and portlint told me to do that.

Then you can write pet portlint/portclippy

My revision with portlint give me this output:

WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe".
WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=".
make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop
FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license''
1 fatal error and 2 warnings found.

Original port gave me this output:

WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe".
FATAL: Makefile: DISTVERSIONPREFIX appears out-of-order.
WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=".
make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop
FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license''
3 fatal errors and 2 warnings found.

I cannot reproduce this license issue at my host.


Regarding the commit message:

  • s|net-mgmt/nrpe: Adding monplugins flavor to nrpe|net-mgmt/nrpe: Add monplugins flavor|
  • You can remove the fragment about conducted testing.
  • Please add "Pet portlint/portclippy" as suggested by bofh@.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 6 2025, 1:59 PM
kiwi edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Added - Pet portlint/portclippy as asked

This revision now requires review to proceed.Jan 6 2025, 2:01 PM

@kiwi Just to let you know that I have updated the ports in the meantime. So make sure to rebase. And I think you don't the need the portlint/portclippy part anymore.

This is updated diff with rebased port :)

0mp requested changes to this revision.Jan 8 2025, 10:18 AM

Could you update the commit message as noted here?

Also please include bofh's approval:

Approved by: bofh (maintainer)
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 8 2025, 10:18 AM
kiwi edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Added Approved by: bofh (maintainer) in the commit message as requested

Rebasing doesn't necessarily imply that you have to resubmit the patch. It's just a warning so that you don't make a mistake while committing depending on your workflow. Somehow I have a big list of tasks for a new comer when I mentor someone and I always do something to create a conflict so that they know how to fix it. I indeed missed the part of Approved by: as I normally don't bother about it too much; but yes make sure with others as it might make some people upset.

Rebasing doesn't necessarily imply that you have to resubmit the patch. It's just a warning so that you don't make a mistake while committing depending on your workflow. Somehow I have a big list of tasks for a new comer when I mentor someone and I always do something to create a conflict so that they know how to fix it. I indeed missed the part of Approved by: as I normally don't bother about it too much; but yes make sure with others as it might make some people upset.

Well I am trying to make the things good as I can. 0mp raized me this issue so, he is right, I have to add this as well !

Thank you, kiwi@! The patch is ready to land.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 8 2025, 2:12 PM