net-mgmt/nrpe: Adding monplugins flavor to nrpe Some user asked to add a flavor to permit to have nrpe already packaged with monplugins. This patch add this functionality and has been tested (both flavors default and monplugins with poudriere under 13.4-RELEASE). Sponsored by: Klara, Inc. Approved by: bofh (maintainer) Approved by: 0mp (mentor)
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- R11 FreeBSD ports repository
- Lint
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Add pet portlint in the commit message.
net-mgmt/nrpe/Makefile | ||
64 | Sort alphabetically. Put this entire block below the next block of default conditionals. |
Note I have swapped DISTVERSION and DISTVERSIONPREFIX because portclippy and portlint told me to do that.
My revision with portlint give me this output:
WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe". WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=". make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license'' 1 fatal error and 2 warnings found.
Original port gave me this output:
WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe". FATAL: Makefile: DISTVERSIONPREFIX appears out-of-order. FATAL: Makefile: order must be PORTNAME/PORTVERSION/DISTVERSIONPREFIX/DISTVERSION/DISTVERSIONSUFFIX/PORTREVISION/PORTEPOCH/CATEGORIES/MASTER_SITES/MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR/PROJECTHOST/PKGNAMEPREFIX/PKGNAMESUFFIX/DISTNAME/EXTRACT_SUFX/DISTFILES(_\w+)?/DIST_SUBDIR/EXTRACT_ONLY. WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=". make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license'' 3 fatal errors and 2 warnings found.
I can remove the swap of this if you would like.
Then you can write pet portlint/portclippy
My revision with portlint give me this output:
WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe". WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=". make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license'' 1 fatal error and 2 warnings found.Original port gave me this output:
WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/var/run/nrpe". FATAL: Makefile: DISTVERSIONPREFIX appears out-of-order. FATAL: Makefile: order must be PORTNAME/PORTVERSION/DISTVERSIONPREFIX/DISTVERSION/DISTVERSIONSUFFIX/PORTREVISION/PORTEPOCH/CATEGORIES/MASTER_SITES/MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR/PROJECTHOST/PKGNAMEPREFIX/PKGNAMESUFFIX/DISTNAME/EXTRACT_SUFX/DISTFILES(_\w+)?/DIST_SUBDIR/EXTRACT_ONLY. WARN: Makefile: unless this is a master port, COMMENT has to be set by "=", not by "?=". make: don't know how to make check-license. Stop FATAL: Makefile: Failed to validate port LICENSE 'GPLv2+' with ``make check-license'' 3 fatal errors and 2 warnings found.
I cannot reproduce this license issue at my host.
Regarding the commit message:
- s|net-mgmt/nrpe: Adding monplugins flavor to nrpe|net-mgmt/nrpe: Add monplugins flavor|
- You can remove the fragment about conducted testing.
- Please add "Pet portlint/portclippy" as suggested by bofh@.
@kiwi Just to let you know that I have updated the ports in the meantime. So make sure to rebase. And I think you don't the need the portlint/portclippy part anymore.
Could you update the commit message as noted here?
Also please include bofh's approval:
Approved by: bofh (maintainer)
Rebasing doesn't necessarily imply that you have to resubmit the patch. It's just a warning so that you don't make a mistake while committing depending on your workflow. Somehow I have a big list of tasks for a new comer when I mentor someone and I always do something to create a conflict so that they know how to fix it. I indeed missed the part of Approved by: as I normally don't bother about it too much; but yes make sure with others as it might make some people upset.
Well I am trying to make the things good as I can. 0mp raized me this issue so, he is right, I have to add this as well !