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databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-More: Update to 1.43

Authored by uzsolt on Mar 31 2024, 6:21 PM.
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Dec 6 2024, 5:15 PM




PR: 276490
Approved by: ...
(Differential Revision:

git commit --author ...

Test Plan

Poudriere testport passed on 13.2, 13.3, 14.0 (amd64), some warning:

Warning: devel/p5-Module-Build was in Perl CORE. Check with `corelist
Module::Build 0.4206` and corelist -a Module::Build if it should be
conditionally added depending on PERL_LEVEL
Notice: You have some Perl modules as dependencies but you do not have
devel/p5-Module-CoreList installed, the perlcore QA check gets better results
when using it, especially with older Perl versions.

Portlint, portfmt, portclippy look fine.

make test passed.

Diff Detail

R11 FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

uzsolt created this revision.

On my box security/p5-openxpki-i18n fails which is a dependency of security/p5-openxpki (which also depends on this port), until that port is fixed so we can build the other one it's "on hold" status

On my box security/p5-openxpki-i18n fails which is a dependency of security/p5-openxpki (which also depends on this port), until that port is fixed so we can build the other one it's "on hold" status

Can build the port and the "make test" run fine. Could you check please?

On my box security/p5-openxpki-i18n fails which is a dependency of security/p5-openxpki (which also depends on this port), until that port is fixed so we can build the other one it's "on hold" status


Most probably there is a misunderstanding.

  1. Consider 3 ports (as it happens, I maintain of all of them), mentioned by diizzy:

port A: security/p5-openxpki
port B: security/p5-openxpki-i18n
port C: databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-More (which is the port being considered in this PR).

If port X depends (directly or indirectly) from port Y, let us designate this dependency with symbolic expressions as: "X -> Y" or "Y <- X".

Then dependencies between 3 mentioned ports are as follows:

B <- A -> C

This symbolic expression is evident from looking at the page:

That is, our port C (being considered here) is needed to build port A. But ports A and B are irrelevant for building of port C.

  1. On my box I can build all of 3 ports just fine:

portlint 2.22.1
portfmt 1.1.5
perl 5.36.3_1
openssl 3.0.12

  1. Actually at the moment I am waiting for you to commit this PR with update for port C. It is needed for me to submit a new version of port A with major update.

Hope this helps.
Regards, Sergei Vyshenski

Oh, it seems that I am beginning to understand the meaning of Daniel's comment.

Port security/p5-openxpki-i18n (referred to as port B above) fails to build after recent updates to gettext.

This failure happens with or without applying a patch for port databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-More, proposed here.

Let me investigate further.

Thank you so much for the alert.
Regards, Sergei

Oh, it seems that I am beginning to understand the meaning of Daniel's comment.

Port security/p5-openxpki-i18n (referred to as port B above) fails to build after recent updates to gettext.

This failure happens with or without applying a patch for port databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-More, proposed here.

I can build security/p5-openxpki{,-i18n} with updated p5-SQL-Abstract-More, on 13.2, 13.3 and 14.0 (poudriere).

Blinking failure of build for port security/p5-openxpki-i18n goes away altogether, if I add a line:


to the Makefile of port security/p5-openxpki-i18n, just under the line:


And again, my tests show, that this blinking problem manifests itself irrespective of applying or not applying the patch (under discussion here) for the port databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-More. I will submit a major stable update of ports security/p5-openxpki{-i18n}, which will address this issue. Hopefully very soon. But IMHO, port databases/p5-SQL-Abstract-More could be updated right away (with the present patch), irrespective of that future major update.


To simplify things, I have submitted a PR with a simple patch to fix blinking build error in existing version of port security/p5-openxpki-i18n:

Hope this helps.
Regards, Sergei

Commit first then this one,

Regarding PR 279058:
You don't need to bump PORTREVISION
Remove comment for MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE, it's it commit msg
"stay with" --> track and remove only at the end --> track stable versions

In general for Makefiles we tend to prefer having comments on a separate line rather than to the right but do as you wish.

Commit msg for PR 279058 (or something similar):

security/p5-openxpki-i18n: Fix build

Add MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes due to race conditions during build
While at it do some minor adjustments to Makefile

Great work :-)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 17 2024, 8:10 PM