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These (or their roots) are all found in with the exception of 'caput'
- (Anatomy) anatomy a technical name for the head
- (Anatomy) the main or most prominent part of an organ or structure
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Does it still make sense to have a dictionary ?
AFAIK only look(1) uses it and this kind of utility don't really make sense to me in 2022.
Also this is an english dictionary, what about other languages ? Why should we have an english one and not others ?
Interesting that all these words have 5 letters... Hmmm.... I wonder why a fella would want to do that :)
Most of them are derived from other words that are already in this list. This list seems inconsistent in doing that, however, given its origins in the 1934 webster's...
These are fine, imho.
As to why we have an english^Wamerican unabridged dictionary word list in base, well, blame CSRG since this dates back to early 4BSD distributions because it was in the public domain...
4.3BSD added this file in 1986, which all subsequent versions of BSD copied. And that's why we have this...
Most of them are derived from other words that are already in this list
certainly some are, like sane/saner and clue/clued.
but most are unique