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net/libstorj: Deprecate port

Authored by diizzy on Aug 26 2021, 10:22 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 6, 8:03 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 3 2025, 8:31 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 25 2025, 1:07 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 25 2025, 1:06 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 25 2025, 1:05 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 24 2025, 8:29 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Dec 25 2024, 10:06 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Dec 25 2024, 10:01 AM

Diff Detail

R11 FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

diizzy created this revision.
diizzy edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Why deprecate instead of update?

There's nothing to update?

Ah, so it was replaced basically by what is net/storj -- if so,

DEPRECATED=	Deprecated, replaced by net/storj

or something on that line might be a bit more helpful than a crypting "v3 rearchitecture" :)

Update description based on suggestion by tcberner

tcberner added inline comments.

lgtm, but as 2021-12-12 is in the fourth quarter quarter anyways (meaning it will be in 2021Q4), why not make it 2021-12-31 ?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 31 2021, 4:03 AM

I asked on irc and people considered 3 months to be a reasonable amount of time

I asked on irc and people considered 3 months to be a reasonable amount of time

yes, but I would try to align it with quarterly being cut -- and from 2021-09-01 to 2021-10-12 its only 1.5 months :)

I missed including a link to the PR,
If I change it to 2021-12-31, is it ok? :-)

I missed including a link to the PR,
If I change it to 2021-12-31, is it ok? :-)

yes :)

This patch points to the wrong port, it should be net/libstorj
Reported by danfe@
Pointyhat to myself

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 1 2021, 10:32 AM