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new port: devel/geany-themes: install shared color schemes for the Geany text editor

Authored by on Nov 15 2019, 3:30 AM.
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New port to install shared color schemes for the Geany text editor


Test Plan

Check files are installed correctly under /usr/local/share/geany/colorschemes/

Diff Detail

rP FreeBSD ports repository
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

14 ↗(On Diff #64354)

Unfortunately this depends line will try to install the default (gtk3) version of geany even if your already have geany-gtk2 installed. How can this be changed to support both flavours (geany and geant-gtk2)?

Changed RUN_DEPENDS from geany>=1.24:devel/geany to geany:devel/geany.


Thanks for this port, it looks like a good addition to the ports tree.

The port looks fine by reading it.

I'll test it and commit it once done with tests.

Changed RUN_DEPENDS from geany>=1.24:devel/geany to geany:devel/geany.

Yes, this should work around the flavors issue. I'll test that too.

Thanks for this port, it looks like a good addition to the ports tree.

The port looks fine by reading it.

I'll test it and commit it once done with tests.

Thanks, that would be great!

I'm not precious over the maintainership of this port, would it make sense for you to take this one alongside all the other geany related ports which you maintain?

Thanks for this port, it looks like a good addition to the ports tree.

The port looks fine by reading it.

I'll test it and commit it once done with tests.

Thanks, that would be great!

I'm not precious over the maintainership of this port, would it make sense for you to take this one alongside all the other geany related ports which you maintain?

If geany themes were always upgraded each time geany itself was upgraded, it would make sense for me to maintain them too.

But since geany themes are rarely updated and the updates happen at their own time(correct me if I'm wrong on any of these observations) there is no problem if you keep maintainership.

When there is an update you can send a problem report in bugzilla or a code review here, whatever is more convenient to you and can also CC me or assign it to me, and I will look at it.

linimon retitled this revision from devel/geany-themes: New port to new port: devel/geany-themes: install shared color schemes for the Geany text editor.Nov 16 2019, 1:42 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 16 2019, 4:27 PM

Hi again,

   Now that the port is avialable via the pkg repo, I noticed that
trying to install the new "geany-themes" package ignores the
"geany-gtk2" package if already installed and tries to install "geany"
(the gtk3 version) instead?

   Is there anything I can change in the port to depend on either
"geany" or "geany-gtk2" packages?


% sudo pkg install geany-themes
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        geany-themes: 1.24
        geany: 1.36

Number of packages to be installed: 2

The process will require 13 MiB more space.
3 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: n

Hi again,

   Now that the port is avialable via the pkg repo, I noticed that
trying to install the new "geany-themes" package ignores the
"geany-gtk2" package if already installed and tries to install "geany"
(the gtk3 version) instead?

   Is there anything I can change in the port to depend on either
"geany" or "geany-gtk2" packages?

There is no way to do this with aport. We don't have a "provides" framework.

There are to options to work around that.

We can invert the dependency, making geany-themes a dependency of geany. So both flavors of geany will depend on the same geany-themes.

Or we can add a slave port for gtk2.

I think the inversion of dependency would be the best choice.

I don't much like having to add a slave port, so inverting the dependency sounds like best option.

When inverting the dependancy, should the "geany-themes" become an option to enable in the config of "geany" port?

I don't much like having to add a slave port, so inverting the dependency sounds like best option.

I agree.

When inverting the dependancy, should the "geany-themes" become an option to enable in the config of "geany" port?

Yes, that's the idea. You can choose if making it enabled by default or not.

Please file the patch as a new review or as a bug on bugzilla.