
Stop leaking information from the kernel through timespec


Stop leaking information from the kernel through timespec

The timespec struct holds a seconds value in a time_t and a nanoseconds
value in a long. On most architectures these are the same size, however
on 32-bit architectures other than i386 time_t is 8 bytes and long is
4 bytes.

Most ABIs will then pad a struct holding an 8 byte and 4 byte value to
16 bytes with 4 bytes of padding. When copying one of these structs the
compiler is free to copy the padding if it wishes.

In this case the padding may contain kernel data that is then leaked to
userspace. Fix this by copying the timespec elements rather than the
entire struct.

This doesn't affect Tier-1 architectures so no SA is expected.

admbugs: 651
MFC after: 1 week
Sponsored by: DARPA, AFRL
