
Greatly reduce the number of #ifdefs supporting the TCP_RFC7413 kernel option.


Greatly reduce the number of #ifdefs supporting the TCP_RFC7413 kernel option.

The conditional compilation support is now centralized in
tcp_fastopen.h and tcp_var.h. This doesn't provide the minimum
theoretical code/data footprint when TCP_RFC7413 is disabled, but
nearly all the TFO code should wind up being removed by the optimizer,
the additional footprint in the syncache entries is a single pointer,
and the additional overhead in the tcpcb is at the end of the

This enables the TCP_RFC7413 kernel option by default in amd64 and
arm64 GENERIC.

Reviewed by: hiren
MFC after: 1 month
Sponsored by: Limelight Networks
Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D14048
